Chapter 6: "What in hell..."

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Chapter 6: "What in hell..."

"Percy, it's Aqua..." I said

Percy looked straight into my eyes, "I... I can't... Trust you..."

"That voice, it's the voice that I heard, before we jumped out of the car!" Thalia noted

Percy looked shocked "Why are you helping us? Are you trying to kill us?!" Percy asked

"Percy, trust your sister." Poseidon said


"Percy, just listen to your sister, she has changed."

"Then why are you tied up, and you look hurt..."

"I'm fine, Percy, it's you and your sister that I'm worried about."

"Percy, please, you need to listen to me..." I begged

"Alright, what do you want?"

"Percy, first I wanted to say that I am sorry, for everything that I have done to you. And, second is that I am not going to let my older twin die, so I am going to let you in on Kronos's plan..."

"Whats his plan?" Thalia asked

"He shot the lightning bolt at you three, so Thalia would think that her dad tried to kill her, and she would rebel against him, after all, Thalia's sixteenth birthday is in two days..."

"That was Kronos?"

"Yes Thalia, I've been with your father the whole time."

Thalia looked a little more cheerful then she did before...

Then, the girl that I had never seen or heard of before started to talk... "My name is Zoë Nightshade, Do you know about thy Lady Artemis?" She had an ascent...


"She means... Do you know what happened to Artemis?" Percy noted

"Oh, yeah... Well, she is... Shes... Well... Under the weight of the sky..."

"What?!?" Zoë bellowed

"Shh... Listen, I don't have much time, but I will tell you the things you NEED to know, just listen... You need to help Artemis and the gods before you do anything, then put Atlas under the sky, and... Percy..."

"Yeah?" Percy moaned

"Never mind..."

Ten minutes later...

Percy, Thalia, and Zoë had finally gotten here...

Percy's POV

"MY LADY!!!" Zoë screamed as soon as she saw Artemis, (goddess of the hunt) on the ground, holding the weight of the sky, and might I say... She looked terrible!

"Percy Jackson, did you like our gift?" Luke said, he had Annabeth in chains, and a cloth in her mouth, she looked pretty beat up... My sis was right next to Luke, as usual.

Aqua's POV

"Brother, you could join us..." I said as I winked at Percy

"Never!" He said, winking back

"Fine, Thalia?"

"No, NEVER! Luke, what happened to you?!?"

"I realized where I belong!" Luke yelled

From then and on, it was just fighting with swords, knifes, bows, and arrows.

Thalia whent straight for Luke! I wasn't happy about that... But, whatever, I needed to help my brother and his friends, my old friends...

Percy was under the weight of the sky, trembling, and Annabeth was tuning towards the room where we were holding the gods... I thought, that if I had any chance of getting my family out of here alive, well... I needed to make it look like I wasnt helping them, and what is a better way of doing that, then doing the unexpected...

Luke looked at me like 'You go after Annabeth, and I'll take Percy, Thalia, and Zoë...'

I didnt want to kill any of my friends, but I felt like I had to...

Then I thought, 'Was I just thinking that I might have to kill my family and friends?!?'

'NO!' I screamed in my head

I ran after Annabeth, by the time that I had gotten into the room where the gods were being held, Annabeth just stood there, her face was blank, but I could tell what she was thinking... 'Did someone help the gods before I could, is someone who is on Kronos's side... Actually on our side?' she looked so... Confused!

I shut the door...

Annabeth looked up... "What in hell..."

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