Chapter 5: How did you know that, that was going to happen?!?

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Chapter 5: How did you know that, that was going to happen?!?

A few hours later, Luke had come back and he had talked to Atlas, demanding where I was.

"WHERE IS AQUA!?!" Luke demanded to know

"Calm down boy, I will show you." Atlas said

The door opened and as soon as Luke saw me, he ran to help, "Are you alright?" Luke asked

"Atlas is a traitor." I struggled to say


Atlas smiled

"Let me take the sky off of you." Luke said

"NO!" I screamed

"Why not?"

"Because, that's what he wants, Atlas wants to punish us."

Luke glared at Atlas, and I looked at Artemis, who was looking away, crying.

"Please, Lady Artemis, she could die." Luke said

"Alright." Artemis said as she ran over to me as fast as she could, she took the weight of the sky off me and my head dropped, with a smile that no one could see.

"Is my daughter alright?" Poseidon asked

Then, I started laughing, "Wow, looks like our plan worked." I said

"You would do anything to save a young maiden, wouldn't you?" Luke chuckled

"You tricked me!" Artemis yelled

"Yep, nice trick, right." I said as I got up with ease

"Bye." Luke said to the gods as he grabbed my hand, walked out of the room, and we closed the door

Luke, Atlas, and I walked over to the golden coffin, where Kronos was being put back together piece by piece, and we knelt down, as Kronos's piecing voice spoke, "You three had a great plan and I am proud of you, Aqua, for not changing your mind about us."

"I would never think about changing sides, my lord." I said

"If you and Luke would like to have a little fun..."

"Have a little fun as in?" Luke asked

"Play around as teenagers would."

"Wait, do you mean have sex?" I asked

"If that is what you want."

Luke and I looked at each other for a second, and then Luke's eyes moved towards the couch... "Aqua, do you want to?"

I smiled and nodded 'Yes.'

I will spare you the details, but I'm pretty sure that the gods knew whats we did, because when we came in the room, a little bit after Luke and I had a little fun, they all had a look of disgust in their eyes, except my father, he had more worry than disgust, which I didn't understand... I had betrayed him, TWICE, and he still pretended to loved me.

"I don't understand." I said aloud

"What, Aqua?" Luke asked

"Poseidon, I've betrayed you, TWICE, and you worry about me..."

"Is it that obvious?" Poseidon asked

"Well, duh."

"HEY! Don't talk to a god like that!" Athena yelled

"It is alright, Athena." Poseidon told her "Aqua, I want you to tell me what I did, everything!"

"This is going to take a while." Luke noted

Aqua Jackson, Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now