Chapter 1: I beat Ares

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Chapter 1: I beat Ares

Ares’s POV

An hour after all of the other gods had left, well, I hear footsteps in the hallway, and I kind of knew right then, what Athena was talking about ‘I have a bad feeling’ one of our enemies was going to visit Olympus, but whoever it was, they were going to get a surprise, they probably didn’t know that I was here, that was my advantage.

I started to raise my sword and rise from my throne, when I hear someone say…

“You’re not going to kill me for wanting water, are you?” It sounded like Aqua, so I put my sword down, but I held onto it, very tight

“Aqua, I thought you were someone else.” I said

“Did I scare you?”

“I have to admit, you scared my pants off, you could at least say something.”

“I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright, but how did you get out of your room, I mean I am fine with you getting out of your room and all, but Zeus told me that he locked you in.”

“Well…” She paused “I guess Zeus didn’t lock it, but he did close the door.”

“Well, come on, I will get you some water.”


“What is it?”

“Could I please battle the great god of war?”

“Well, when you put it that way, How could I say no.”

Aqua’s POV

“Cool, I need a sword.” I said, because I needed a new sword, Athena had taken mine, and if I could trick Ares into fighting me, then I could easily win and have my friends that are waiting for my signal, (When I take Ares down) to come in and put chains on him, then I thought, ‘With Ares, I could easily prove myself to Kronos.’

“Here.” Ares handed me my old sword, as I took it, I thought that I would never get my sword back

“Now, let’s sword fight, but you have to get smaller.”

“Understood.” Ares shrunk and the sword fight was on, but little did Ares know, this sword fight was real, I want to destroy the gods and Ares will be the first to go

I threw a few fake strike, while Ares threw some strikes, but they were so bad that I couldn’t tell if they were fake or Ares actually trying, I wanted to laugh, but I stopped myself, because Ares hadn’t even scratched me once!

Then, I threw a real strike and my sword hit his knee, Ares trembled, but he kept going…

“had enofe yet.” I said

“Your good, but I will fight until it is over.” Ares said

So, after hearing that, I aimed for his other knee, and I hit it right in the middle and made a big gash…

Ares fell to the floor, but he kept fighting, which didn’t surprise me.

But, after ten minutes, Ares was bloody, all over, and when I saw my chance, I hit my sword against his and spun it in a circle, and Ares’s sword dropped out of his hand.

I picked up the sword, turned around, so Ares couldn’t see me and I smiled an evil smile.

“Ok, time to give me my sword back.” Ares said, as he started to get up

I turned my head and well, I used his own sword against him, I swung his sword, and got a huge gash in his arm, which made him drop to the ground, even faster than he had before!

“What are you doing?” Ares asked

I ignored him and whistled, my friends all had a face like ‘Now you call us, the action is all over!’

“Sorry I had to make you guy wait so long, I had to trick him.” I said

“We understand.” The guy in the front said

“What is the meaning of this?!?” Ares demanded to know

I turned to Ares and said “There is no meaning, just that all of us want to see you gods to quiver under the weight of the sky, and I think you will listen, because an innocent girl is stuck underneath the sky, right now, and you are the only one that can help her.”

“Why? Aqua, you considered us as family, today.”

“That was a cover, so I wouldn’t get caught.”

“What are you planning?”

“We are going to take the gods out, one by one, and if we have to battle the big three at the same time, then we will.”

The guy that was in the front put Ares in chains, and made sure they were tight, the guy took Ares away as Ares screamed “You traitor, I knew we shouldn’t have given you a second chance!”

After that, I opened a secret passage in my room and hid Ares’s sword there…

I sat down and acted like there was nothing wrong.

Athena’s POV

“What is it, Athena?” Zeus asked

“Something is wrong.” Athena said


“At Olympus, we need to get there, like right now!”

All of us went down to Olympus, and we hear a noise, a door that sounded like someone was trying to smash a door down.

“This way.” I said as we all ran towards the noise

I unlocked the door, and Aqua bursted out of the room!

“Aqua is everything alright?” I asked

“No.” She said, trying to catch her breath

“What is it?”

“Ares… They… They… Took… Him…”

Zeus stepped forward “Wait, what who took him?”

“Kronos… and.. his… army…”


“I walked into the throne room to get a drink of water and I saw Ares on the ground, with blood all over him, and his opponent, Luke, did not have a scratch.”

“What, my son did this?” Hermes asked

“Yes, once he saw me, he told his creepy followers to lock me in here, he said ‘If you can’t come to our side, then we are no longer friends, family, or boyfriend and girlfriend.’ So then, they locked me in here and I’ve been trying to get out, ever since.”

“The thing I don’t get is how you got out the first time…” Zeus said

“Oh, um…” I took a bobypin out of my hair and said “Annabeth taught me how to unlock a door.”

“Oh.” Everyone said

Luke’s POV

“She’s a great liar, right, Ares…” I said

Ares just glared at me.

“Not going to talk, now that you are under the sky, eh?”

He turned his head.

“Hey, you practically saved Annabeth, I’m sure Aqua will thank you.”

“By killing me?” Ares asked

“No, she will probably spare you, since you saved one of her best friends.”

“Spare me?”


“What are you two planning?”

“We plan on destroying the gods!”

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