Good Bunny

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Ashlynn had a hard time sleeping that night. Finding a place to sleep wasn't the hard part – it was keeping her nerves in check. Staring at the ceiling, her heart pounded and throbbed in her chest. Was it the fact she would be smuggling a family of four-and-a-half inch tall people into her apartment? Was it just seeing them again? Was it about meeting Soren's daughter?

Ashlynn sighed and rolled over from beneath the covers to stare at the wall instead. There was a tenseness that almost felt unsettled and disheartened. She still couldn't believe that Soren had a kid – that he had fallen in love with someone and had a kid with them.

Did it bother her?


At least... she didn't think so.

It wasn't jealousy. She was genuinely happy for Soren. Perhaps it served as a reminder that time had passed.

But why was that feeling there? Was this a fear? An anxiety that they weren't as close as they once were and that they couldn't achieve that same closeness again?

Nonsense! They talked like not a day had passed between them. He stepped onto her hand with no hesitation like they used to.

Was it because he was in a different stage of life? He had a relationship – a wife – and then had a daughter. Ashlynn hadn't done any of those things; but, had she wanted them?

Yes... yes she did... but not with anyone she knew in her day-to-day life since leaving the old apartment.

She didn't want to think about any of that now. She needed her rest and for her nerves to settle down. Deep breath after deep breath, Ashlynn finally managed to drift off to sleep filled with dreams of looking for something yet never being able to find it. She searched the floors and the walls and every room in a labyrinth like house that changed constantly.

The abrupt sound of the alarm going off jolted her out of her deep slumber. Her brow was lined in a light cold sweat. Her body felt on edge. It wasn't the first time this dream haunted her sleep, but hopefully it would be the last.

Ashlynn pulled herself out of bed, feet hovering just above the floor just for a few seconds. She went through her mental checklist. Tennis shoes, comfortable pants, and a t-shirt seemed suitable for a moving day.

Here we go. Thought Ashlynn as she stood and readied herself for the day.


The drive was quick back to the old apartment complex and the day was slightly overcast. There was a weather prediction for heavy rain and thunderstorms later, but for now the day was bright and promising.

Before making it over, she stopped by the store and picked up a few odds and ends the thought might be useful. She bought a couple of totes with dividers and supports on the inside to keep the Borrowers' things separate and organized and even invested in a small step ladder as Soren suggested. She also purchased a few nick knacks like safety pins, thin cloth for curtains or spare fabric, and even a few pieces of dollhouse furniture, which she determined she would probably have to justify getting them.

Ashlynn hoped it wouldn't be too much and that they wouldn't see the furniture as disrespectful or her overstepping her bounds. Moving was stressful enough without having to throw your entire life in a box by a giant.

Ashlynn stepped out of the car, bringing the box with her, and made it back to the lockbox at the front of the property, noting that there were several new dumpsters at the end of the road as well as two new pieces of heavy machinery.

With one shaky deep breath, she unlocked the box and let herself into the old apartment for the last time. The early morning light cast a cool glow against the walls and illuminated the rooms. She could see where her heels from the day before had kicked up the thin layer of dust on the floor.

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