Is Honesty the Best Policy?

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Soren felt cotton-mouthed and nervous. Everything he just heard about needing to follow the Borrower rules to the letter filled him with an uneasy and sickening feeling. There was no way they could continue without being questioned or spotted interacting with Ashlynn.

After everything that happened, Soren did not want to just leave Ashlynn. She traveled all the way back just to make sure they were okay. She kept him and his family safe. Looking back, it was because of her that Soren was able to make a full recovery after his leg was broken by that mousetrap. Ashlynn even saved Rey's life by talking to Grandma Susie and retrieving him from the glue trap in the trash can.

After all of this, she never asked for anything in return. It was not fair to her to vanish into the walls and never see her again. In a way, she was family too.

On the other hand, what about the other Borrower families here? Was what Atlas said true? If they found out, would there be a mass migration? Would all of these families be uprooted?

It made Soren feel uneasy, but it was the only thing he could think to do.

He needed to tell them about Ashlynn.

If he kept it a secret and it was found out later, things could go very bad for him, his brothers, and, most importantly, for Mayzie. It would be better to have a discussion now and avoid something bad happening later.

Thankfully, there was a natural transition in the conversation as the children stood and began cleaning up. Tiron and Dorian seemed to be striking up a conversation just like Hero and Rey.

It was now or never.

Casper and Primrose stood to continue about their business when Soren stood abruptly and got their attention.

"Um... if you don't mind, could I have a word with you? Possibly in someplace private?" asked Soren. His heart was pounding out of his chest. Every nerve felt electrified with nerves. Soren could feel Dorian and Rey's eyes suddenly turn to look at him, and he only had enough heart to give them a quick reassuring nod as he glanced into their eyes.

"Of course," said Casper, a look of curious concern in his eyes. Primrose nodded and followed behind as Casper led Soren into what he believed to be the parent's bedroom.

Casper turned and shut the door behind them before turning to face Soren.

"You wanted a private word, and now you have it. Is everything alright?" asked Casper. Soren felt his pulse in his neck. He clenched and unclenched his fists a few times before speaking.

"Yes and no," said Soren, keeping his voice low so his voice didn't carry. "There is no easy way to say this, but I think you need to know this rather than find it out."

"Oh goodness," said Prim as she rubbed her thumb over a ring on her finger. "Is everything alright?"

"I hope it will be. I just need you to listen for a few minutes," muttered Soren. "Look, we didn't come from down the road and we didn't come through the vents to get in. We came in through the front doors."

"The front doors?" asked Casper quietly. Already, Soren could see in the father's eyes that he was preparing himself for whatever Soren had to say next.

"Yes, the front doors. We're from Region's Park, hours away from here. Where we were living was going to be demolished and a friend came all the way out there, warned us, and helped us move here. We only just arrived today," said Soren.

He watched a visible shiver overtake Prim while Casper stiffened, arms folding across his chest.

"This 'friend' you're referring to?" asked Casper, his voice very much a deep, threatening growl.

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