Inventors Exchange

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Rey hoped his instinct was right. He felt like it was the right thing to do anyway. Theo seemed like a good guy and, unlike other humans who he saw, Rey thought he could learn a lot from Theo, who was an inventor like him.

Rey had questions as well. What else did Theo know about The Littles? Was that why he was so careful with Rey? Also, how did Theo design all of those toys to be the perfect size for a Borrower? Was it because of The Littles and his understanding of the series? And how did he make those things?

Rey had to know.

After much debate, it was decided.

Rey needed to go back and talk to Theo. At the very least, he needed to determine if it was a good, safe place for he and Hero to go and do their helping. Since Theo already knew about him, Rey thought it might be easier to convince Theo to pretend not to notice Hero and himself if they happened to be seen.

Rey planned on telling Hero everything if today went well, but that would depend on what happened.

The teenage Borrower inventor told Ashlynn and Soren both where he was going and precise instructions on how to get to Theo's apartment. Both of them told him to be careful, and Ashlynn even dared to kiss her finger and tap it on the top of Rey's head, before giving him a nod telling him that if he wasn't back by dinner, they were coming for him. Then, gathering up a few of his own inventions as well as his essentials, Rey headed off into the walls.

His heart was pounding out of his chest, but his features didn't show how nervous he was actually feeling. It was one of those things Rey had learned to do from Soren and had so many times recently to practice.

The walls were, as usual, quiet in this part of the apartment complex. It was one thing Rey was grateful for. Since it was no longer a secret that he and his family were friends with Ashlynn, a human, few dared to venture this far. It meant that there was less chance of being asked questions or targeted like before.

Though, Rey never dropped his guard as he continued walking along the path he was familiarizing himself with now, careful to make the right amount of lefts and rights to go into Theo's room, not the little sister's room, Bella.

In what felt like record time, he was there standing in front of the electrical cover he slipped through after his encounter with Theo. The thought of someone other than Ashlynn or Sam holding him made him shudder, but at least Theo had been considerate and gentle. Rey shook his head. He couldn't think about that now. What he needed was a clear head and a steady hand.

Taking another quick breath, he pushed open the cover and slipped out into Theo's bedroom.

The moment he did, he saw Theo's mobile chair sitting at the same desk where he was before. Rey crept to the very front of the piece of furniture and peered out cautiously, keeping his hook firmly in his left hand and pin in his right. Sure enough, Theo had his back turned and was working at his desk. Also, thankfully, the door was closed and locked. Perfect!

Rey had no idea what Theo was doing, but what mattered was that his attention was elsewhere.

With caution, Rey spotted a fair amount of shelves and wires he could use to get up to the top shelf just out of reach from Theo while also being seen and heard. It took little to no time for Rey to ascend the side of the cabinet, trying out his new hooked boots for climbing, and dart from behind figurine to figurine to the bedside table. The bedspread, which was some kind of space themed, was trickier to traverse given the hooks on the edges of Rey's boots didn't retract back like they should have.

He'd have to work on those later.

Still, it didn't stop him from shimmying over past the line of trim and up the bookshelves until he reached the place where he wanted to on the shelves above the desk. It was just above eye level for Theo, which was a bit closer than Rey was hoping, but he was in no mood to turn back and forget his mission. He had questions that needed answering.

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