Dorian's Small Forte

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Dorian packed his backpack with all of the necessary things he would need when going out. Hook. Line. Water. Food ration. Paperclip. Thumbtack. Towel fragment. Hip lamp. These were all of these things he needed for a normal borrowing mission; but, today wasn't just another borrowing mission.

This was an outing – an actual outing.

The middle son of the Rafters, Tiron, invited Dorian to come hang out and meet some of his friends who, evidently, were interested in music too. The thought of not using instruments like humans was definitely an interesting concept to Dorian, and there was no way he was going to pass up on the opportunity.

Plus, it would give him a chance to get out of the apartment and get some freedom from his brothers.

Dorian loved his brothers, but he didn't entirely agree with all of the things they did, specifically with their interaction with Ashlynn.

Just thinking about her made him feel tense, but he didn't want to think about this now. What Dorian wanted to focus on was meeting Tiron and the others.

He made sure to wave good-bye to his family before crossing over the beams and ducking under the protruding nails toward the elevator shaft. He had to admit to himself that he was a bit nervous meeting so many borrowers, especially when they could ask questions about his past and where he was currently living.

Dorian talked with Soren and Rey to establish a good story, but it would only hold if no one pried too hard. He knew how to deflect questions, but he was also aware that the Rafter family seemed a little off after Soren came out of the back room and their conversation where Soren revealed they talked to and knew Ashlynn.

At any rate, Dorian was almost there and, admittedly, was getting excited. Before he knew it, Dorian was standing on the edge of the elevator shaft making his way along the path to the wooden stairs where he saw Tiron standing at the bottom.

"Tiron!" called Dorian. The teen turned around and smiled. Dorian noticed Tiron didn't have a borrowing bag or any other major implements except for a hook and a simple thumbtack dagger.

"Dorian! Hey, how's it going? What are you... making a stop somewhere?" asked Tiron, laughing slightly. Dorian now felt slightly foolish for having all of his borrowing gear with him. He was so used to having everything with him anytime he went out that it was pure instinct that brought his gear.

"Um... no... I just..."

"No, it's all good," said Tiron. "I get it. Moving into a new place, you want to bring your gear."

"Should I go put it back?" asked Dorian. Tiron shook his head and shrugged.

"You ought to be alright. Anyway, let's go. Everyone is probably already there getting warmed up. Ready?"

Dorian was admittedly surprised when Tiron simply walked up to the ledge of the elevator shaft and turned on the light to signal the elevator. They stepped onto the device, Dorian following faithfully, as Tiron told the elevator operator, Klink, to take them to the ground level.

"'ow you doin' t'day?" asked Klink. "'eaded ta practice?"

"You bet," grinned Tiron. "And I'm bringing on a new member hopefully. This is Dorian, new arrival." Dorian, caught off guard, smiled nervously and nodded.

"Nice to meet you," said Dorian.

"Well! Nice ta meetcha too," said Klink. "You're gonna fit right in." The switch was pulled and the makeshift elevator descended level after level to the lowest floor.

Tiron and Dorian left the elevator and watched as it ascended, making subtle clicks and clacks as it left them. Dorian turned and surveyed the surroundings. The ground level was a concrete landing with small Christmas lights lining one of the sides of the walls. The ground level was very tidy with no speck of dirt along the path.

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