A Jarring Night

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For the past few years, Ashlyn prided herself in resolving issues and conflict amicably. She learned how to take a step back from situations and choose her words carefully to not escalate an issue.

There was a time when she was angry and fueled by a sharp tongue and will to inflict wounds on the soul of the one who wronged her. She wasn't always like that though. She was kind and believed in second chances; however, she had dealt with so much from her last long-term relationship that it changed her.

Ashlynn, for the past few years, had found her way back to her kinder self while being ready to defend her loved ones at a moment's notice. That part of her was brought to life when Soren came into her life – both times.

Now, however, was not the time for words. In a flash and acting on pure impulse, Ashlynn snatched the Borrower who had Rey's leg moments ago off of the counter and held him tightly away from the counter.

All she saw was red, the rage radiating off of her like a furnace.

In this moment, it didn't matter that the person fit in her clenched fist.

It didn't matter that his face was contorted in sheer panic and terror, tears threatening to spill over the edge of his eyes.

He was trying to hurt her family – that was what mattered.

Soren, on the other hand, had a million other things running rampant in his mind. First and foremost, his brothers and his daughter.

He rushed over and helped Rey up, hugging him instinctively as he did when Rey was little, before stepping back and evaluating his youngest brother.

Rey's lip was split and there was a bruise on his cheek. The blood on his knuckles was obviously from his assailant.

"I'm okay," he muttered bitterly as he wiped his nose on the back of his sleeve.

"Good," said Soren, though the tension was failing to dissipate. "And..."

"Dorian and Mayzie are by the couch. I went over here to grab an extra paperclip for my project when he..." Rey stared at the other Borrower loathingly as he wriggled in Ashlynn's hand. Rey didn't finish. His eyes were fixated on the Borrower's flailing legs. Despite his injuries and the look of seething anger he gave the captured assailant, there was still a flicker of fear as he saw the murderous glare Ashlynn had in her eyes.

"Soren, you and Rey should go back to the couch," muttered Ashlynn as she took a half step away from the counter toward one of the cabinets that Soren knew held jars and writing supplies like pens, paper, and tape. Her voice was dangerously low and threatening.

Rey swallowed dryly, but began to obey Ashlynn's words, nervously glancing over his shoulder at her as she continued to restrain his assailant.

Soren, on the other hand, remained unmoving on the counter, eyes flicking back and forth from Ashlynn to the assailant. His heart was pounding a million miles a minute. He was feeling panic beyond words as well as a seething loathing deep in his gut.

The loathing came from this scum trying to hurt his brothers. Soren felt his entire body trembling out of fury. Wasn't it enough that he helped attack Soren, leaving him for dead in the freezer? Wasn't it enough that Soren and his family had removed themselves from the Borrower community to not only keep the community safe but also to keep themselves safe?

How dare he come back and try to hurt Rey! Were there others hiding in the shadows?

This is when Soren's stomach dropped into his gut.

Was this part of some scheme? Were there other Borrowers here witnessing Ashlynn's fury? Was this going to spread back to the community? More importantly, what was Ashlynn going to do?

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