Saving Our Hero pt. 1

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"Look here, Dorian," Ashlynn said as she pointed out another comment that just came in. "Hey Dorian, I just came across your music and I have to say I'm impressed. I don't know where you draw your lyrical inspiration from, but dude you rock! Want to release an album? Hit me up and I'll help with the cover art."

"What?" asked Dorian, his head was completely spiraling at this point. "You're kidding! This is... woah..." Dorian rubbed his temples as he stared at the squiggly words on the screen This was absolutely amazing! How could this be happening to him? What did he do to get so lucky?

She reached over again and gently cupped Dorian. He leaned into her touch, wrapping his left arm over her middle finger and squeezing tightly. He wished, in that moment, that he could tell his mother and father about his music. He wished they could be proud of him; and, in a way, Ashlynn helped to fill that void, as did his brother Soren.

"Well, music man, we've got to get you some better studio equipment if you're going to release an album," grinned Ashlynn. Dorian looked up at Ashlynn, feeling the threat of salty tears starting to gather in his eyes.

"Really? You serious?" he asked. Ashlynn nodded.

"Serious about what?" asked Soren. Ashlynn and Dorian looked over at the edge of the couch to see that Soren and Mayzie were chasing a dime. Soren had undoubtedly rolled it so Mayzie could toddle along beside it. She was giggling the whole way and watched as the coin rattled to a stop by the leg of the couch.

Ashlynn glanced at Dorian and gave a thoughtful head not to Soren. "Want to tell him?"

Dorian, heart still pounding out of his chest, nodded shyly and slid down Ashlynn's arm to lean over the edge of the couch to see his oldest brother.

"My music," he said. "The last song I released is doing really great and loads of people are asking for an album. Isn't that great?"

Ashlynn, knowing Soren, was obviously suppressing a hint of worry as he smiled up at his younger brother.

"Dorian, that's great news! But... how..." started Soren.

"Don't worry. I haven't released any pictures of me or anything. They only know my voice. There are loads of anonymous artists out there. None of them have to know about me or that I'm a Borrower," smiled Dorian, already trying to ease his brother's apprehensions.

The smile on Soren's face broadened as he once again picked up the dime and rolled it. Mayzie squealed with delight and chased after it. Soren looked up at Dorian, the eldest brother's eyes beaming with pride.

"Well, Dorian, that is amazing. I'm proud of you. You're pursuing your dreams and making them happen," Soren said. Dorian, unable to help himself, reached up and wiped his eyes free from the little bit of moisture that had gathered there.

Ashlynn watched as Soren quickly scaled the edge of the couch, stepped up onto the couch, and walked over to embrace his brother. Soren began speaking to Dorian, but Ashlynn couldn't quite make out what he was saying. She smiled at watching the two of them interact. Despite recent events, things were finally leveling out and starting to swing back their way.

Ashlynn closed her eyes and listened to Mayzie's giggling as she continued to chase the dime across the floor. As it rolled to a stop, however, Mayzie's giggles subsided. Ashlynn, not wanting to intrude on what Soren was saying to Dorian, carefully got up and maneuvered around the table to find Mayzie and continue the game of roll the coin.

It was then that Ashlynn heard Mayzie's voice again, but she was not laughing anymore. There was a momentary, curious coo before Mayzie whimpered and started to cry. Ashlynn leaned down and saw Mayzie was by one of the electrical sockets. Her arms were tucked tight to her chest, and she was stepping backward. Ashlynn couldn't see the electrical cover from where she was, but whatever Mayzie was sensing wasn't good.

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