Field Trips and Feelings

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Ashlynn was giddy all over, but there was no way she wanted to ruin the surprise just yet. She wanted to get everyone's opinion, and it would have to be a family decision.

Still, her excitement was bubbling over and she couldn't stop smiling.

Knowing what needed to be done, she closed her laptop after forwarding the email to her phone and glanced around the room. She knew Dorian was in his studio, Rey was perfecting one of his gadgets and looking into different applications on his own iPod that had something to do with 3D printing, and Soren was fitting Mayzie with a brand new harness so she could start practicing climbing. She was already proving to be a resourceful climber, able to scale part of the couch by simply grabbing onto the exposed fibers on the cushions.

Ashlynn, unable to control herself, cleared her throat and glanced down at Soren, who was still wrestling a squirming Mayzie.

"Hey, Soren, how do you feel about a little field trip today? The whole family," asked Ashlynn, hoping she could easily convince the eldest Borrower brother. One look and she knew she was going to need a bit more to persuade the eldest brother. It was in his hazel eyes that he had other things to do today.

"A field trip? To where?" Soren asked as he marked a cutting line on the ribbon that was making Mayzie's harness.

"Someplace new," said Ashlynn. Soren's disbelieving glance prompted Ashlynn to continue. "It is somewhere neither of us have been before. It is private, so we don't have to worry about being out in the open. Please? I don't think you'll be disappointed, and this is really important."

Soren sighed, brushing back his hair as he made the final mark on the ribbon around his daughter, and looked up into Ashlynn's blue-gray eyes. Entranced by those eyes, he sighed heavily and nodded.

"Very well. I yield. Should I break the news to the boys that they're plans for the day have changed? Or will you?" asked Soren.

"I will, and I promise you won't be sorry," grinned Ashlynn. She stepped carefully over Mayzie and Soren and went to the back closet bedroom where she could hear Dorian singing. She paused just for a moment and listened, holding her breath so she didn't interrupt the aspiring musician.

"Saying little things can make a big difference.

If what you're saying was meant to be for us.

Every little single word.

Can't be anything but heard.

Maybe it will make no sound.

But that's not what it's about.

Tell me now what's on your mind.

Might sound silly but I'd like

To write you a little rhyme

Look around and tell me now,

Do you need to be big to be proud?

Do you need to be loud to make a sound?"

At this, the music paused and Ashlynn heard Dorian grumbling something about needing to add a base or something for depth.

Now was as good of a time as any to interrupt.

"Dorian?" called Ashlynn as she gently tapped on the edge of the closet door. She heard some scuffling inside before Dorian poked his head out of his shoebox studio.

"Yes?" asked Dorian. "Sorry, were you calling for me?"

"No, I wasn't calling. I just wanted to say we are taking a family trip. I think you're going to like it," said Ashlynn. Dorian sighed and ruffled his hair, which was starting to get a little unruly in length, and nodded.

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