Settling In

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Ashlynn felt her heart hollow immediately after Soren said the dreadful words, "We have a lot to talk about." It was like a relationship talk when you knew things were over but needed to be clear things were done.

It almost felt unavoidable and, in a way, predictable. She couldn't help but feel like a fool for hoping they would be able to go back to the way things used to be. At the very least, the brothers were safe, which was what really mattered to her. Before she could interrupt and tell Soren it was okay, that she didn't need an explanation, Rey interjected.

"You were right! There are others living here too!" said Rey. Ashlynn felt her jaw slacken and a smile of disbelief spreading on her face.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah! They have a whole civilization here," said Rey as he stepped up behind Soren and ruffled Mayzie's wavy locks.

"But that's not what has me concerned," said Soren, redirecting the conversation. Ashlynn thought she picked up that something was wrong.

"What is it? Anything I can do to help?" she asked. Soren gave a halfhearted shrug just as Mayzie reached over and made a grabbing motion for Rey to hold her. Soren passed Mayzie off to his brother, heart pounding in his chest nervously, as he looked back up to Ashlynn.

"One of the families who was here first is very strict about the Borrower rules. The original rules and everything are really important to them," said Soren. He glanced up at Ashlynn, noticing a flash of disappointment in her eyes. He decided to keep going but noted it for later. "I also thought it was best if I told them about you and us."

Ashlynn's eyes widened. Hearing "us" made her heart skip a beat, but hearing that Soren revealed that he was seen and that they were brought here by her, a human, set her on edge.

"Soren, isn't that dangerous?" she asked. "I mean, if they're serious about the rules, wouldn't it be, I don't know, better if we kept it a secret?"

"That's what I thought," muttered Dorian under his breath as he finally made it to the top of the table and ventured by their belongings. It wasn't loud enough for Ashlynn to hear, but it earned him a stiff look from Rey.

"I thought about it," said Soren. "But the fact of the matter is that we wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for long and would break what little trust we have so far. At least now we don't have to hide while we're out here."

"Yeah," said Rey as he set Mayzie down and started walking her around the table while holding onto her hands. "They thought you were acting strange, so they've been staying away just in case someone was seen or whatever. Isn't that right, Mayzie?" The stomping toddler just looked up into her uncle's face and smiled as she continued to lead him to the edge.

"Explains why the tacks haven't been going missing," muttered Ashlynn. "Well, I... thank you. I mean, you didn't have to tell them or anything. I... Well, I would understand if you wanted to use this as a fresh start." Ashlynn couldn't help but notice the same nervous flutter in her chest. Soren pulled a smile onto one half of his face.

"We just got back together. After everything we've been through, it would be a shame to lose it all because of one stuck up family. We'll just have to make sure we know where other families stand before talking about it," said Soren. Ashlynn couldn't help but feel overjoyed, flattered even, that Soren was willing to reveal their friendship. She suspected there were other reasons, but she liked to think that it was also, in part, because he wasn't ashamed of everything that happened between them.

"So," she said after a momentary pause. "I guess the next steps are getting your new place set up?"

"I think you're right," said Soren, glancing toward the massive tote that held everything they owned. "Would I sound ungrateful or needy if I asked for a hand in moving our things?"

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