From Fun to Fright

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Ashlynn woke the next morning to the sigh of Sorn, her four-and-a-half-inch tall boyfriend, sleeping soundly beside her. The indent he made on the pillow was nearly imperceptible, but the impact he made on her heart was larger than life itself.

The boys had a sleep over with Hero and were out in the living room. There was no sound, even as the clock flipped over to eleven o'clock, meaning the boys were probably still sleeping.

Mayzie, on the other hand, was staring up at the ceiling chewing on her fingers happily. The Borrower toddler had a sixth sense for when Ashlynn was awake and, naturally, she tended to the child.

She tidied her up quickly and pulled off a miniscule piece of a granola bar she had in her purse, though the toddler merely sucked on her small fragment.

It wasn't until Soren stirred that Ashlynn dared approach and kiss him tenderly on his chest. The warmth of his smile as he opened his eyes spread through her whole body.

"Morning," he muttered sleepily as he rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

"Well, looks like you slept well," Ashlynn teased, daring to tussle Soren's bedhead. He rolled his eyes and took the taunt with a wink.

"If it looks half as good as yours, then I take it as a complement," he said. Stretching, he stood and hopped down onto the squishy mattress below, catching himself with his cat like reflexes, and walked toward Mayzie. "Good morning sweetheart." Mayzie cooed and uttered, "morn," before continuing to suck on her breakfast.

He sat on the bedspread across from Mayzie and began combing through her wavy brown hair kissed with the slightest auburn with his fingers.

"Dirty dust bunny," he muttered. "You need a bath today."

"Why don't we go ahead and do that before the boys get up?" suggested Ashlynn. Soren paused just for a moment and looked up at Ashlynn.

"Why?" inquired Soren. "We're not doing anything else today, are we?"

"Actually," said Ashlynn. She bit her lower lip and averted her eyes momentarily. She had an idea of something she wanted to do with Soren for a while now, but had only worked up the courage to bring it up after seeing the boys have such a good night yesterday. "I had something in mind."

"Oh?" asked Soren as he subconsciously wrestled Mayzie into his lap so he could continue combing through Mayzie's hair.

"Yeah, I... well... I was thinking that you and I could do something tonight," said Ashlynn, laying on her side with her head resting on her propped up hand. Soren's quirk of a smile broadened as he eyed Ashlynn.

"I think I like that idea. What did you have in mind? Rooftop?" asked Soren. Ashlynn shook her head.

"No, something a little more daring," said Ashlynn, running her fingers through her hair. Eyes narrowing, Soren guessed again.

"A picnic in the park?"

Ashlynn shook her head again.

"Well, I'm out of ideas. Going out in public for a picnic is pretty bold," stated Soren, reaching up and scratching his scalp.

"Well... it is out in public," said Ashlynn. "I want to take you to the movies." Soren's eyes widened as he stopped mid-scratch to look her in her stormy blue-grey eyes.

"Really?" asked Soren. His heart had skipped a few beats and only when he saw that Ashlynn, unblinking, was serious did he swallow dryly in response. "Public? Ashlynn, that's dangerous."

"I know, but I've thought it through already. I'll wear a hoodie, so you'll be hidden. I'll put up my hood by my neck so no one will see. Plus, it'll be dark," said Ashlynn.

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