29: Life of Surprises

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Ah, this is so hot...
And..... so stuffy....

I open my eyes and... see a bare chest right in front of my eyes.
Why does this kid... always sleep hugging into me this ...tight!?!!

"Don't.... Don't go to work today" he mumbles

"I am! And .... Let me go... it's hot" I say and struggle to get out of his embrace

"Nope" He says and squeezes me

"Ekk!! You!"

"Heheh just kidding. Good morning Baekhyunee" he says and kisses my forehead

"Imm... morning. You will also go to work right?"

"I have to. Since Kai and kyungsoo will be at school today for some assignment matters so"

"Good. Let's go together"

"But are you really going? With those casts?"

"Are you underestimating me?"

"No no no! I am worried that it will be uncomfortable"

"Mr. Wu will be helping me with typing and stuffs so"

"Poor Mr. Wu"


"Hehe... just kidding. Let's get up. I will wash you and make you breakfast"

"No more shower playing"

"Yes sir! No more" he says and kisses me

Without knowing, this kid has starting to influence and involve or be part of my daily life.
Or he has been in my life for awhile now.
Since we decided to stay as partner?

My living style has changed, you know.
I sleep well at nights.
I don't need to drink alcohol or use pills anymore.
I eat meals well at least whenever I'm with him.

That's why, I'm somehow scared.
That he becoming too much part of me that.... What if.....
what if things turn out wrong again?
After when I start to depend on him....

But, to depend on him...

Before that, he's just a kid.
I can't be doing this to him.
Someday, he will start to choose his life and ... that choice may or may not include me.

What will I do that time?
That time, will I already fall for him?
Or, have I already?

What about myself?
How much do I already plan for my life?
Am I just to live the way Chairwoman wants me to?
Or, do I have strengths to break free from her controls and stand on my feet?

Am I brave enough now?

"Baek.... ah... Director nim, what are you thinking hard?" Chanyeollie calls me.
Since Mr. Wu is driving, I think he changed to call me Director nim.
Tho, Mr. Wu is a sharp guy for my love affairs heheh.

"Ah, nothing. How's the app going?"

"We will finish in next week. We can handover to you by then"

Chanyeollie as a tech expert, is beyond professional.
He's  very smart guy. He even outsmart my CTO or employees.
That's why, as a director of SOLE, I need this expert.
And... as Byun Baekhyun, I also need Park chanyeol

"That's great. Let CTO knows and we shall have final meeting by then"

"Yes. My team will inform you.. and Mr. Wu, you can drop me here" Chanyeollie says

"Why? We are almost here"

"It's not good to get out of your car together. Others might think wrong about us" he says and get out of car right at the corner of our company.

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