49: Day 2

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"Pftttssssss bawahhhahahhaha... they gave you money?!!!! Hahahahaha" Oh Sehun laughs out loud

Since he came to me to drink together, we are here at our usual hideout

"Shut up" I say and sip on my liquor "it is so early to drink" I mumble... it's only 3pm.

"Man.... They watch too many dramas huh.... Gave money to Byun Baekhyun? The Byun Baekhyun? Haha... brainless monkeys" he says

"I can't even.... Keep my cool image anymore... I almost lost control to them.."

"You don't need to. Because they don't deserve your good attitude." He says and shrugs

"Still.... They are his parents"

"So... Baekhyun ... what are you planning to do now?"

I sigh out loud and "no... I don't know. For real. What should I do?"

"Why are you acting all serious?"


"You don't even love him for real. Why are you giving yourself a bother?"

I don't... love him?

"Why do you think I don't love him? I do."

"If you really love him, you would already discuss this matter with him and you two will decide something like staying away from his parents to shut them up.

But right now, you are all keeping secrets from him and running away from him. Looking like you want him to leave you by himself"

"It's just... even if we decide on something.... He is still young to make decision like .... Leaving his parents"

"Man, he's 23 not 13 ... okay? He's not young for his age.."

"Stop... double stressing me"

"Dating is tough isn't it? There is always 3rd party between us. When you were dating Inseo.. it was your grandmother and the guy he cheated with.
Now, it's Park Chanyeol's parents"

"Despite those... what I have with Chanyeollie... is sincere"

"Aren't you just lying to yourself?
You two just started dating not long ago.."

"Time doesn't matter... does it?"

"Then.. let's go and open up to Park Chanyeol. And you two can discuss something"


"Yeah... so that at least some outcome will come. You said you love him and don't want to lose him right?"


"So let's go.. where is he? At your house?"

"No... I don't know..oh... he texted me.. that he will be school till 4"

"Then now is about time.. let's go" Oh Sehun drags me out of bar


For real... I got dragged to Chanyeol's school..
This damn motherf......

"Now what?"

"Now we wait until he comes out" oh Sehun says

"But... what do I say?"

"Say what?"

"To him..."

"Well... explain about his parents situations and listen to what he says.. he will definitely choose you so don't worry"

"I know.... But..."

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