59: A Pause

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"Mmmm..... baekh....."

He is not beside me when I open my eyes...
But still... this familiar happiness tingles in my stomach.
We are finally back together .... Right?

"Hehehhe..." I chuckle as I roll around in bed.

I pinch myself a few times too... making sure this is no dream at all.
He smells.. he feels... the same.
He's just... the same one... that I crazily fell in love.

"Oh... haven't properly apologised him yet" I mumble.

For what I did to him when I was drunk... I need to seriously apologise and.. beg for forgiveness

'If you.. fuck me from behind.. you won't know who you are fucking.. you could think of another man.... You could think someone is better than me... I can't see your face... I can't see if I could satisfy you or not...' - Baekhyunee last night

"Uwahhhhhhh... he was so cuteeee.." I screams

How can he think like that... damn... he's just... as adorable as he was.
Wait... we were apart for only 3 months.
But man... those 3 months felt like decades.
The heartbreak was too much and too new for me to handle..
because I have never loved anyone before him.

But as much as I suffered.. I wonder if Baekhyunee suffered too?
He must... too right?

Right now, did he throw away his pride and ego and come back to me?
Call me selfish but I wish he did..
i wish he loves me so much to abandon those things.
I wish... he's a bit.... Braver to love me.

*Phone Ringing*

Caller ID - Kyungsoo

C - aww Kyungsoo ya

K - wh...what the fuck... are you okay?

C - yeah... I'm perfectly fine.. why?

K - what the fuck you meant why? You just left us while being angry and now perfectly fine? Ya! Park chanyeol! Are you on drugs now? Where are you?

C - hey hey.... Calm down. I'm okay.. not on drug too. And....

K - and what?

C - I'm ..... with Director nim... again.

K - .............. what happened?

C - it's .... It's complicated.... And story was long... anyway... we kinda made up last night... hehe... Kyungsoo ya.. I think... we are meant to be.

Kai - ya!

C - what the... was the call on speaker the whole time?

Kai - look... stop acting naive.. first love never lasts.. okay? Don't trust adults too much.

C - yeah yeah.. says you.

Kai - I'm serious.. me and Kyungsoo are really sick of seeing you like that...

C - ..... I know...

K - we are worried about you.. hmm? Keep up updates. And come back to our home too.

C - yeah.. I will.

I then end the call.

Aish... that Kim Kai... why does he have to ruin my mood? Duh.
Anyway.. I have to cook something for Baekhyunee for dinner..
and I have to ask him if it's okay for me to call him 'Baekhyunee' again.. Since I can't wait to call him like that and hug himmmmmm

"Haaaaaaaaa... I feel like I'm finally breathing again... this is happiness ... for real"
I wish he never leaves me again.
And that this is over happy ending.
Can we?


In the evening

I'm like a dog waiting for his owner to return.
I made dinner ready with his favourite dishes.
Can't wait to see him smile.

"Oh... he's here.." I say to myself as I see him walking into the yard.

I open the door ready for him and "Welcome back.. Director nim" I say

"A...aww... I'm back.. Chanyeollie.." he says

"Was the day tiring?" I pull him into a hug "you look quite worn out"

".......it was....... A lot"

It's always painful to see him getting tired.
Wish he could rest for months from all his works.. which is of course... not possible

"Wanna wash up first? Dinner is ready tho" I say


"Imm hmm... it's ready" I pull his hand and take him to dining table.

"W...wow..... this is..."

"Your favourite dishes.. heheh... wanna eat first?" I ask him... and he just nods.

So we both take a seat and I sit across him.

"Here.. taste this. I wish I season this braised pork well." I say

He is just staring at the food and... spacing out.
He had a rough day.. huh?

"Why? Are visuals not appealing?" I ask

"No....they all look appetising" he says and have a bite

"How's it?"

"It tastes... as delicious as always.." he says

"Huuuuuu... thanks goddddd.. heheh... I was worried." I say and put more meat into his bowl.

"You too... eat.." he says

"I'm .. heheh..... and ... Director nim.... I want to ask you something.."


"Are we.... ah..... we are.. back together.. again.. right?"

I'm way too nervous and I don't even know why...
I see him out down his chopsticks and...



"Let's... pretend... that... nothing happened... last night...."

"..........Nae? .......What do you...."

"Last night..... was my solely mistake.
I acted out from my greed.
And you know... I don't............ love you..."

There was a pause...
A pause....

Baekhyunee ... you should at least look like you don't love me ...
Right now... you are crying and asking me to believe?

Just... how much are you suffering?

Hello all!!!
Here's an update for today!!
What a big mood swing fanfic isn't it?
Don't forget to vote &  comment

———————————————————-Hello all!!!Here's an update for today!! What a big mood swing fanfic isn't it?🫠🫠🫠🫠Don't forget to vote &  comment 🥺🤎

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