15. bad idea

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"Alejandra !" I yell over the loud music

"Oh Y/n you made it" she walks over to me and falls on to me as she's hugging me.
"Love the dress" she says

"Thanks" I smile and hand her the present I bought her

"Oh you didn't have to" she says "okay come one let's drink" she says to me

I just shake my head and follow her.

There I see all of here friend drunk.


I don't how what is going on right now. I have walked back and forth like thousand times. First with Amelia then Alejandra then back to Amelia then to Alejandra again. At this point I'm not even having fun. But at lest both Alejandra and Amelia look like they are having fun. Can't wait to see how they will be tomorrow.

As I'm walking back to Amelia I feel my phone buzz, I see who's calling... it's Chris.
I pick up

"Hey" I had to yell over the music

"Hey, where are you ?" He asks me

"At the club" i answer

"Is Alejandra with you ?" He ask me

"Yeah why ?"

"Sebastian is having second thoughts about the wedding he wants to cancel, but I keep convincing him to talk to Alejandra and they both can figure something out together" Chris explains

"Shit.... Okay I'll try holding her in one place, but I'm warning you she's very drunk" I tell him

I hear him laugh "okay we will be there in ten, keep your eyes on her" Chris says

He ends the call


Literally ten minutes later I get a massage from Chris "I'm here, where are you ?"

I text him back saying "We are by the door, when you walk in look the left you'll see us"

I see Chris and Sebastian walk towards me and Alejandra. Sebastian looks nervous

"You two go outside and talk" Chris says

Sebastian was a bit shocked over how drunk Alejandra is. Me and Chris look at the both of them walk out.

"Soo...." Chris says

"Don't make it awkward" I say to Chris.

"Do what should we do ?" Chris asks me, I get an idea. Not a bad idea a rather good one.

"Do you like to dance ?" I ask Chris

"No" he answers crossing his arms over his chest "I'm not much of a dancer" he says

I'm a bit disappointed by the answer but I don't take it personal.

"Okay. I'm going over to Amelia" I tell him

"I'll sit here of Sebastian" Chris tells me

As I'm about to walk away I feel him grip my hand abs pull me closer to him. He bend down and says "pull the dress down, your ass is sticking out" he tells me

Déjà vu........

I get all red and embarrassed. I fix my dress

"Is there anything else ?" I ask before I leave

"Yeah" he says

"What ?" I ask him

"You look beautiful" he tells me

Now I'm even more red then earlier, I can feel my body burning up.

"We'll you look like shit" I tell him

"Thanks coconuts" he smiles at me. He isn't offended, he's not saying something back? He's looking at me with a smile

"Y/n ! There you are" my sister walks over to me.
She looks like a mess. "I have been looking- when did he get here ?" She asks pointing at Chris

"Just now" I say

"Okay. Now this is my last night of freedom let's make the best of it" she grabs my hand and pulls me, I grab Chris and pull him with my

Now we three are on the dance floor in a crowd of people. Everyone dancing. It didn't take long for Amelia to blend in the group and disappear.

"I'm gonna grab a drink" Chris says

"Okay" i say

After we kissed and made out in my apartment,thinks between the two of us have gotten a bit wired and awkward, we don't joke as much.

Chris walks away

I have nothing else to do then just having fun...

I start dancing around with other people to the music, everyone is to drunk to even know what's happening. I'm not drunk but I had a few shots through out the night

As I'm having fun a guy walk up to me.

Tall, back hair, looks like he hits the gym 4 times a week. His skin lightly tan and eyes I really can't see his eye colour in this lighting.

"Hey, I saw you dancing and I couldn't stop looking at you" he says to me

"Really ?" I ask a bit surprised

"Yeah, are you here with anyone ?" He asks me

"No just a bachelorette party with friends" I tell him

Shit I might have forgot Chris is here as well..

"So do you thing your friend would mind if I took you for later ?" He asks

"No-" I hear a deep voice cut me off

"Yes her friend would mind and so would I" I look beside me and there is Chris all mad and stuff. Not gonna lie but he looks much hotter when he's angry.

"And who are you ?" The tall guys asks

"Her boyfriend" Chris grabs me by the hip and pulls me closer to him

The guys looks annoyed "is he really your boyfriend ?" He asks me
I don't really know what to say. I look up at Chris then at the guy. "Looks like the answer is 'No' he smiles walking closer to me and Chris.
"Dance with me ?" He asks

If I'm being honest he's not bad looking at all, and looks like he knows how to actually have fun.

"Sure" I say. Bad idea

He look at Chris and smiles over the fact he won me over

He holds my hand and walks with me away from Chris I look back at Chris.... Oh let me tell you the look on his face was not good, it looked like he was about beat this guys up or something.


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