chapter one

552 11 7

January of 1998


"Arranged marriages."

This is the first time during this entire meeting that I realize the Dark Lord is talking. What he said before is a blur and for my sake I should've listened to his haunting voice that echoes through my dreams but I couldn't stand to hear it for another second.

"What do you gain from that?" My mother spits out and she made a mistake.

"More people to rule over."

"Don't you think you have enough?"

"Mother. Stop." I whisper over to Narcissa but she doesn't acknowledge it. "You are going to get yourself killed." I try to intervein but there is no point.

"I'm doing this for her...and you." Narcissa sharply murmurs and I can feel myself go into shock. For Roslyn? Narcissa only just met Roslyn hours ago and all of a sudden she's protecting her.

"There will never be enough Mrs. Malfoy and don't you ever question me again. For that, you will end up as the Muggle Studies professor down in the dungeons. Would you want that? Because I have no problem," The Dark Lord gets up from his seat and makes his way over to my mother. I would deflect him back if I could"Ending you right here." He brings his wand up to her throat and I can hear her swallow hard.

"I'm sorry," She says under her breath.

"I didn't hear you."

"I'm sorry..." She hesitates. "My Lord."


And the meeting carries on... Like nothing ever happened, like no one spoke up, like no one told Lord Voldemort "no". It all carries on.

"The Pure-Blood population is slowly giving out. More like the entire Wizarding world as a whole. That needs to be ended-" Racket erupts from the kitchens causing the Dark Lord to halt. "Wormtail!"

Wormtail stumbles out of the kitchens with pots and metal spoons tangled in his hands. Draco looks over to see Narcissus' face curl up in a cringe. "Yes, m- my Lord?"

"Is everything okay in there?"

"Yes– Yes, my Lord, everything is..." A metal pot falls to the floor and people jump out of their seats. "I- I'm Lord."

Voldemort twirled his wand and Wormtail went flying out the door. For those few seconds, I felt like I was able to breathe once again. Allowing constricted air to flow.

"Let's continue now."

Severus raised his hand. Now he's the student?

"Yes, Severus?"

"How will those be selected with who?" Severus questions.

"With the social class and wizarding blood. There will be some half-bloods, naturally, but no muggle-borns." Voldemort goes on to say. "Family history and personal history. If we find out you and your partner have a history there will be execution on both parties. No doubt."

Severus nods and leans back into his seat.

"Any other questions?"

Nobody says a word, afraid.

Harry Potter, I am now counting on you.

Something I thought I could never do. How could I put my hands in the Boy Who Lived? How does Harry Potter deserve that type of silent trust? Seems bloody ridiculous if you ask anyone sitting at that table.

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