chapter twenty one

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It's time to meet the Order. The new Order. I can feel the anticipation in my stomach as my eyes flutter open.

I glance over to see Draco still asleep. His eyes are still shut and I can see his chest rise up and down. His hair is messy and his cheeks pink from his natural blush. I love this view of him in the morning and on a day like this, I don't want to have to get up and not see this view anymore.

I settle on a position where I can just look at him and reach out to place an arm around his abdomen. He must've been waking up because he pulled me in closer. "It's creepy the way you look at me when I'm sleeping, Ross." He smirks at me. My face feels hot. I can't be embarrassed. I never am when I'm with him.

"How can I not look?" I responded. "I'm scared that if I look away, I won't ever see it again."

His lips form into a frown. "You won't lose me."

I swallow. "I don't want to. I would rather the world fall apart around me than to lose you." I admit. "Is that selfish?"

"Very." He replies while tugging me closer to him. "But, I can't say anything about being selfish, you know that."

He can't. Everyone turns selfish when they're in love. A lot of the time they don't realize it. I think I always thought I was selfish for being in love with Draco even after he told me he was a Death Eater.

"Because, as much as it hurts to still think, you love him,"

"You still love him. He betrayed you, yes, but in all of our twisted minds in the world, you still love him. A love that strong would hurt this much."

She is always right, my mother.

I think I summoned her because there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" And it was my mother.

"Breakfast is ready and if you want to be late to the meeting with the Order then I suggest getting up now." Her voice was stern. "I've had to wake up all of you but Narcissa. She gets up early on her own. Too early."

I take a glance at Draco and he nods. "She really does. I don't remember a time in my life where she ever slept in."

"Your mother is very kind, Draco." Lora says.

"She's very fond of you too, Mrs. Wood." I hate how formal that sounded and so did my mother.

"Please, Draco, it's Lora." She gives us a kind smile and closes the door.

"We don't have to get up. We can skip breakfast." I kiss his chest and then his lips. My hand roams down his stomach

"One hour. I could miss breakfast."

I love mornings like these. Slow moving and lustful.

Draco has a smirk on his face like he could read all of my thoughts. But before my hand can reach there, he catches it and brings it back up his chest. "Nope."

My brows furrowed until he's on top of me in a flash. I can hear a laugh escape my mouth until Dracos' mouth is on mine silencing me. His tongue making its way into my mouth, I can feel him pressed against me. I start moving my hips slightly and he groans.

"Roslyn..." I had no idea if that was a warning or a question but no matter what I ignored it.

"Yes, Draco?" My voice is sweet yet sinisterly. His lips move off of my lips and move down to my neck, then my collarbones, and my breasts. My breath caught in my throat when he made it to my sides and my panties. "Gods."

I can feel his hands start to bring down the panties I was wearing and my hands reach for the hem of his boxers. I needed him now. I needed him so badly.

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