chapter eighteen

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I told him I wanted to know what has been happening, I blame myself. He was right that I wasn't ready for this information. It was too much. But so was he kissing me and then disappearing for three weeks, almost dying three times either because or for me, and then before he went into the battle the last time.

I had to keep all of that from the Dark Lord and I was too lucky that I was able to keep it from him the first time. How could I do it a second without it killing me?

I'm almost in my room when he calls out my name. Not "Wood" but


"I will never let anyone or anything hurt you, Roslyn. I could never let someone hurt you."

"You are truly mesmerizing, Roslyn Lora Wood."

"Only you, Roslyn. Always you."

"Roslyn, look at me."

"Roslyn, oh my gorgeous girl."

"Forever and always, Roslyn. I can be with you, like this, forever."

"I'm sorry."

"And I love you."

I took the steps and our lips were reunited. Finally, I felt him again. Finally, I felt whole.

He placed his hands on my cheeks and I realized that this wasn't a memory of Hogwarts or a dark was real. It was now. His lips on mine in this corridor. It clicked. All of it. Why I was with him in sixth year, the feelings, the touches, the secrecy, the desire.

Draco Malfoy is the person I belong with. In this life and every life after. He's all I ever needed and all I ever had. I forgot about everything, yes, but fate led to me remembering who he is. He is my soulmate.

Draco backs me up into my door where he opens and shuts it harshly. Never breaking contact from me once until he says with heavy breaths. "I love you. I love you. I love you. Gods, I love you." I smile in our kiss and so does he.

Kissing him was like kissing the life back into me. I felt the magic flow through my veins with these kisses he left on my lips, my neck, and my collarbones. My hands grip his hair wanting him more and more to the point that I could explode. He continues to back me into my bed.

Draco's hands rummage under my shirt to meet my bra where he slowly moves it up and deepening the kiss even more. Our tongues sliding against each other to gather our tastes. The mint clashing with my tastebuds was a sense of deja vu I could never comprehend.

Him on top of me in general is something that was so familiar to me and it ached that I haven't felt this in so long. But now that I have it again, I'll never take it for granted again.

"God, Roslyn..." He whispers as he takes off my shirt and I take off his. I come to a halt when I see his abdomen in bare form. Scratches and bruises and scars. I looked at him with plea and he saw it all. A sigh left his lips and then he put his hand on my chin to guide my eyes and look at him. "I'm okay." And he gives me a kiss of reassurance.

I nod and we continue with whatever mess we're going to have to clean up after.

My shirt is completely off and his mouth is on my breasts. The sensation made my skin hot and my face glazed. The pants I had on soon disappeared not long after that. Draco stops and stares at me completely bare on this bed. Like he's soaking up every part of me, scared he's going to lose me again.

While he looks at me, I feel this sense of insecurity. As if he's reading my thoughts he goes down to my ear and whispers: "Roslyn, my gorgeous girl." And he kisses my neck once more and starts making his way all the way down to there. He puts his mouth on every freckle of my body, every mark. It's all so familiar the way his hands and mouth roam around my body.

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