chapter fourteen

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I haven't seen him in almost three weeks.

Three whole weeks just nothing.

There was no training, which I have had to do on my own; there have been no 'seeing each other in the library by accident'. It's been quiet.

I did the one thing I had never imagined myself to do and knocked on his door but no answer. I knew he was there because I could feel it. I just about touched the knob of the door before it shocked me.

After that, I decided to go to the garden to find Narcissa tending to the dead flowers. "Where is he?" It was the first thing I said to her and I instantly regretted it.

"It's good to see you too, Roslyn." She half smiles at me. "And I don't know where he is."

"You don't know where he is?"

"He is on a mission somewhere."

"Somewhere?" I am truly flabbergasted. "He gave no details? No note? Nothing?"

"Nothing." She cut off the dead roses and right after lively and brighter ones grew within seconds. "He left two days ago."

"I haven't seen him in two weeks." I explain, my arms crossed in front of my chest. "Not even training or occlumency. I've had to read ten books in order to figure out the one thing I was doing wrong. He would've told me in seconds. But, oh wait, he's not fucking here!"

"Language, Wood!" She turns towards me sharply.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, dear, I feel the same way. I don't know what he was doing anytime before he left."

"He's been avoiding me!" Gods, I'm so frustrated I can barely conceal it. When he gets back I am going to yell and scream and kick at him. Two weeks! Two whole bloody weeks he was gone and now he's farther away from me. I can't go through this again. Not after the ball and not after the war.

First day of sixth year and in Potions class with Slughorn.

"Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them,"


Cologne and citrus.

Cologne and citrus.

I'm in the common room. Red dress, dark heels, loud music. Drinks.

"Let's play truth or dare."

"Okay, Ross, truth or dare?"

Courageous "Dare!"

"I dare you to sit on Draco's lap and make out with him."

Uncomfortable. Butterflies. His soft lips met mine. Cinnamon and whiskey. Bitterness and grain.

"Roslyn! Roslyn!" I hear a voice call out to me. The wet grass underneath me. "Are you okay?" My eyes flutter to meet Narcissa over me. My clothes are wet from the grass and the rain that decided to fall. She says something faintly from underneath her breath but I can't make out the words.

"I'm okay." I get up slowly. "I'm fine."

Just then, dark clouds start crowding over the Manor. Lighting strikes feet away from us and thunder roars so loud it could burst out eardrums. "He's here." Her face already in concern, she gets me up quickly and rushes me inside. "Go upstairs and go to your room. I don't know if Draco is with him so it's best you stay hidden unless he requests to see you. If he does I'll let Poppy know and she will bring you clothes. Unless told otherwise, stay in your room and do not make a noise."

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