chapter fifteen

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He proved it with a kiss. A desirable, heartbreaking kiss.

"I'm sorry." He speaks softly. "I'm sorry." He turns to look away from me but I grab onto his hand before he could really walk away.

"Don't be."

"What?" He turns back towards me and looks me in my eyes.

"Don't be sorry."

His hands go to my cheeks and I sink into them. We slowly go in. So slow. "Are you sure?"


I feel his mouth on mine. I'm grabbing onto the back of his neck, needing more.

It felt so different from the first time he kissed me because it felt so right. His lips on mine are where they are supposed to be and mine are supposed to be on his. It was as if it clicked.

Dracos' body ran into mine and had me against one of the posters of the bed. His kisses were hard and passionate and desirable. So familiar to be so out of reach for so long. This was it. This was what I have been remembering.

I now know why people said I was in love with him once and why he was in love with me.

His kisses moved down from my lips to my neck. Sucking on it hard and moving to my collarbones. His hands were caressing my entire figure. He mutters something in between kisses. "Tell me to stop." He begs. "Please, please, please, tell me to stop, Roslyn. I beg of you."

"I wish I could. Gods, help me, I wish I could tell you to stop. But I can't." His lips move back to mine and he bites the bottom of my lip wanting to back away.

"I need you."

"Good, because you're all mine."

His body was on top of mine. Kisses all the way there.

"What are you doing Malfoy?!"

"I'm taking you up on your offer,"

His hand goes down to my cunt and his fingers caress my clit, his other hand reaches for my breasts. "More, please."

"You know, you're not bad of a kisser,"

"Oh really?"

"Mhm, yeah. You could do more if you want."

I know it's taking him so much to do this. He doesn't want to but he can't stop and neither can I. I am suddenly a flame brought back to life and he was my match. I had felt this before so many times. In secret, in cupboards, in dark silk sheets.

Dracos fingers dip underneath my panties and circles my clit, sending goosebumps all around me. I moan lightly in his grasp. I haven't felt a sensation like this in so long, I had to grab onto the poster of the bed to keep my knees from buckling.

There's a knock on the door, three of them, and Draco's off of me in a moment. I blink and he's gone. Vanished.

I stand there stunned while Theodore opens the door. "Are you okay?" He practically runs through the door. "Roslyn, look at me. Are you okay?" My eyes are wandering around the room. I can't get any words out, they aren't forming.

I'm still up against the post of my bed, the piece of fabric on me that was about to be thrown off. My hair is a mess. I can't think.

Think, think, think, Roslyn, where did you go?

"Roslyn Lora Wood, look at me." I do. "Are you okay?"

"I don't...I don't know?" I stumbled out. "He was just..."

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