chapter four

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The sleeves were painted with glitter itched. The gown fell to the floor. It was, dare I say, gorgeous. The white trailed behind me as I walked and the heels made my presence known by each step I took. Each heavy, heavy step. 

I still had no idea why they would give me this much. For which I feel I am being held captive.

Just don't run.

Promise me you won't run.

I took my steps down the stairs into the foyer, my body not wanting to go any further. I told myself time and time again not to run. Looking at each exit I could find, I wouldn't break the promise that was never spoken aloud. At least from me.

It was an arranged marriage, they do not expect me to say vows or describe my love for a man I despise.

I used to dream of my wedding when I was younger. Picking out the dress and the shoes and the flowers once sounded so pleasing. My face would light up when someone mentioned marriage and the excitement beamed off of me.

But now that once the excitement has turned into forever dread.

The doors opened and there he was. The man, no, the boy who had repeatedly hurt me in ways that were unimaginable. He was in all-black robes with dragon leather boots that had chains wrapped around them, to make his presence known as well. He looked far more mature than how he was when I had last seen him.

Which was?

I don't remember. It was before the battle and when I wanted to see Gabriella for a quick visit to Hogwarts turned into being held captive by the Malfoy family.

I can see his chest shudder as if seeing me was just as much of a blow on him as it was on me. I can tell he refused to meet my gaze just as I did his. With each step I took, I counted the seconds that passed, wondering how long I was going to be going through this...hell.

I looked around the hell to see that it was just like if there was a normal wedding. Just with no one in the audience and the minister was there. When I reached the two and was finally in the other's presence, I didn't dare look at any of them. My eyes were on the floor, then Narcissa, Lucius, and who I remembered to be Bellatrix; but then suddenly my eyes met with the person I didn't want to.

Our eyes met and I felt a sudden pound in my chest. Like I had been struck by lightning. I would say that I can tell he felt it too but I have no idea. 

I could feel my body attempt to touch his, but I told myself no. How could I want the enemy so suddenly? 

The minister talks but it is all muffled words that I don't even bother to try and understand. Whatever I was feeling, I didn't mind not hearing the minister. The feeling took over my mind, and my body, and the longer I was around him the stronger and stronger the feeling would intensify. It got stronger by a million when our hands were forced to touch.

The Malfoy ring was in his hand and it slid onto my ring finger. Right beside the one with my Patronus on it. Draco stared at the ring for seconds, if not minutes. The minister then gave me a ring and it went on his finger as well.

With my eyes still on his, I couldn't seem to peel myself away from this—This horror. It was the connection not just by signatures on documents or the arranged marriage— but of souls.

When the muffling stopped, he pulled away from whatever force was forcing us together and vanished.

That was when I was finally able to breathe.

The air filled my lungs but barely. I felt myself shudder the longer he wasn't next to me or in front of me. The bile raised in my throat the more I was trying to breathe.

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