chapter thirteen

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I apparate back to the Manor with my breath still held. I walk back down the hill and whenever I hear the slightest noise, I turn around, begging it to be him.

Oh Gods, please let him come back home. Please.

I don't know what I would do if he didn't.

I don't know what would happen to me if he didn't return.

I need him.

And, Lord, don't hate me for this one: I want him.

The way he was skimming my waist. How he lifted me. How he held onto me and looked into my eyes sent a fire through me I haven't had since before the war.

I remember that fire through all my old memories. The burning desire and passion only from the tears in my eyes had given me a reason to think I loved him. I know he wouldn't have just planted them in there to make me want him.

The way he looks at me in my eyes as if I was the girl he was talking about. The only one he said he loved. He had only fallen in love once in his life and that person just has to be me. It has to. Please let it be me. I always had a feeling it was him.

How he touches me and treats me always reminded me of something and gave me a sense of familiarity.

I push through the Manor door to Narcissa. Her not seeing me with Draco, she knew. "Where is he?"

I can't help myself but break down. "I don't know. I don't know." I stagger out. "We were dancing and then something exploded and he told me to go. I did. I shouldn't have. I should've stayed."

Narcissa kept her worry silently. "No, it's okay you came back. I had a feeling something would've happened. I just knew it." She wraps me in her arms. "It's okay. He'll be back."

Please come back.

"Go into the Library. I'll get you some tea. We'll wait."


I attempt to figure out my way to the Library from the front entrance and it takes me about five minutes to get there.

I sit down on the sofa I always do and not long after that Narcissa comes in with two cups of tea and a small cart behind her filled with honey and sugar and milk. She gave me the cup and I put in some honey and sugar. I don't care for milk in tea but I do need it to be hot. So hot, my tongue could be burned off.

I was constantly criticized for that.

Narcissa sits beside me. "He'll be back soon. He knows what to do."

"I know he does." But I can't help that feeling of doubt. What if this is the one time he slips up? He points his wand in the wrong direction and gets hit.

Just as that thought is completed, the doors open. I stand without realizing it. Draco, Theodore, and Blaise stand in the doorway. Draco looks fine. He looks completely untouched and I can breathe out. He's alive and unscathed.

I don't know if I want to go up and hug him or slap him so hard that he does have a mark.

I glance towards Theodore and Blaise who have some cuts and bruises on their faces but they are still standing. They are all still standing and breathing and living and their hearts are still beating.

Thank you.

I start to cry again. My hand goes to my chest and I break. As I'm about to fall from relief, Draco catches me and he winces. I barely notice.

He brings my head to his shoulder and runs a hand through my hair. "I'm okay. I'm here. I promise I'm here." His skin is so warm. "Don't doubt me again. I will always come back." He whispers in my ear. My tears stain his jacket. "Come back for you."

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