chapter seventeen

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It was like a faint whisper when I heard her.

I was rushed to battle out of nowhere. Turns out some weasleys were still alive and, no, I didn't let them die. I let the weasleys live on my own accord and I'm paying the price. I wanted them to live but no one can know that. Not yet.

I told Charlie to curse me. I practically yelled at him too.

"Do it!"

"You're not going to fight me?"

"Just fucking do it and run!"

And that's the last thing I remember before I was at St. Mungos with a breathing tube. Not even magic could try and help me, they went the muggle way. Ventilator, surgery, the whole nine yards of the WICU (Wizards Intensive Care Unit).

I knew that with Voldemort in power and me being a Death Eater, the doctors and nurses would try and kill me. None of them support the Dark Lord and very rightfully so. The Dark Lord is an, pardon my french, arsehole who doesn't deserve a fuck of a life.

No matter what any of us say, besides Bellatrix and Lucius, we don't like him. What? You don't think I have my side projects? I'm trying to save our lives and save her life even more. Roslyns' life.

Sweet, Roslyn. A kind yet fiery soul that's flame never goes out but it did when she found out that I was almost dead.

I could see her behind my eyelids. Staring at a clock for almost three days. Wouldn't dare utter a word. I could feel her through my bones. Waiting and waiting and waiting for some news that said that I was alright. I begged my mother with my eyes to say something to her. Gods know I couldn't speak and if I could Roslyn Lora Wood wouldn't have been waiting.

The first words I said to my mother were: "Tell her I'm okay."

In that moment and for the rest of my life, I just wanted her. I've always wanted her, yes, and I'm still very furious with myself that I had only realized it during sixth year, but I just wanted her to hold my hands.

If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here. I would be six feet under. Letting my body rot.

While in whatever trance I was in I could feel her. Her feelings, the ground beneath her, her hunger, and her pride slowly falling from her grasp. And I could feel herself lose hope in me everyday that I would come home. Those three days felt like nothing to her. Maybe two or three hours.

I remember slightly seeing through her eyes Theodore begging for her to talk to him. She couldn't talk. She sank back into the mattress and let the ceiling swallow her whole.

My heartbeat was slowing down. Too slow. It was like I was giving up because she was giving up. Roslyn didn't expect me to live through this. I was dying and so was she.

A wind is blowing against my ears.

"You aren't dead."

"Come back to me."

I saw a light and then I didn't.

* * *

Ever since I have been back from the hospital, in bed, unable to move a thing, and barely speak a sentence; she had been next to me the whole time. Even when I am asleep she's right there beside me. Roslyn Lora Wood was terrified for the death of me. And I personally don't think it's because she's scared to be moved to someone else but because she was scared to lose me.

Slowly she's falling back into this inevitable love with me.

I don't want to fuck this up. I can't. She's been the thing keeping me alive throughout this entire thing. Her entire being saved me from near death almost three times. If it weren't for her...I would've let Ron Weasley kill me himself.

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