chapter three

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I woke up. My body was rigid and my heart beating out of my chest. My head throbbed as I sat up and my vision blurry. Tiny spots covering it, I didn't know where I was. My whole being was in a state of appalling.

Where am I?

Curtains were drawn and it was dark. Midnight in a room. No stars.

I could barely make out the four-poster bed and the dresser in front of it. I look around more, attempting to get my eyes more adjusted to the darkness of the room. There's a door to the left of me. One that could let me out and get me free.

I moved my weakened legs and they were dangling off the bed. I pushed my palms into the bed and took all of my strength to push myself up. Standing on my own two feet felt strange. It's like I forgot how to walk or even how to move.

"One foot in front of the other."

I told myself and took a deep sigh. Doing what I told my, I stepped cautiously to the door. My body felt ill and weak. My limbs were like jelly and my head bobbed around as if it wasn't even attached to my body. Bumping into different objects as I walked. An ottoman, the carpet on the floor frightened me.

I reached the door and was hesitant about putting my hand on the knob. I could feel the magic surrounding it. It was evil and powerful. It vibrated in my veins and felt it in my chest. My hand went for the doorknob slowly and something made me stop. I don't know why. It was like my body changed its mind.

I took another deep breath and went for it. Forcefully, I put every thought to tell me otherwise away and twisted the knob. The door opened and then shut.

"Hello?" I called out and there was no response. I didn't see any shadows of shoes underneath the door. "Hello!"


It was spelled shut, but it wasn't strong enough.

A breeze sweeps through from the window and my body freezes. A shiver runs through my body and I rub my arms attempting to create some friction.

I lured around again and find another door. When I placed my foot through the door, I felt tile and the coldness became worse. Searching for a switch of some kind patting my hand against the wall. I don't feel anything but a lantern that arises with a flame. Just enough to show me reflection in the mirror.

I am startled. I hadn't seen what I looked like since before the battle.

My features were more defined. I could see the hollowness of my cheeks and my lips. They look like they have thinned. My under eyes drooped and dark circles colored them in. There's a scar that is slashed on the right side of my cheek. It looked like it healed quickly.

The beige gown was loose enough to slip out of. So, despite the cold, I took it off. Letting it fall to the floor.

The first thing I noticed were my ribs. How they stick out more than they used to. My breasts stayed the same but they perked up in the cold air. My legs were less defined. I felt so delicate. Freckles that covered my skin became paler and my blushes weren't as red as they used to be. I run my hands along my figure and my fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps.

I can't remember the last time I had a decent meal.

A knock at the door made me slip back on my dress and practically ran out of the bathroom where the lantern turned out. It's spelled.

I sit back on the bed and act as if I has just awoken. When I look at who has entered, it was Narcissa. "Good morning," She says to me. "We need to get you ready."

"Ready? Ready for what exactly?"

"You're getting..." Narcissa swallowed hard. I could hear it "You're getting married today."

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