chapter two

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My body aches. The pain travels around me and it is constant. A carousel that won't stop.

Oh, please, make it stop.

Stop the headaches and the shatter of my heart.

Where am I?

It's dark. So dark, I can't see myself. I know I am there.

Am I dead?

Is this the afterlife? An eternity of darkness? It's– It's torturous. I can't spend the rest of forever in darkness.

A creek from in front of me and I jump. A man in heavy boots walks toward me and I can barely see the light of his light hair. The shadow person stands in front of her with his hands behind his back.

"Who– Who are you?" My voice cracks with each syllable. I don't remember the last time I heard my own voice. Was it always that high? It takes a second to process myself.

"Your worst nightmare, love." Dark and evil. So evil. It sends my body into shock. "Lucius Malfoy. And you must be...Roslyn Wood."

I nod and my neck cracks with each movement. "Y- Yes." I still can't comprehend that I am speaking. "Am I..." I paused. "Am I dead?" This was a stupid question, I won't deny it, but one that I wanted to be answered.

"Not yet." Lucius turns and walks across the dungeon and back.

He looks so familiar to me. I have seen a younger version of him so many times. I have hated the younger version of him.

"You're Dracos' father? Aren't you? Lucius?"

He lets out a deep and long sigh and it rings in my ears for several moments. "Smart girl, you are."

The bile rises in my throat. I forgot the last time I had eaten. "How long have I- I've been down here?"

"Not long enough." Lucius states cheekily and the side of his mouth twitched. "You know..." He goes on to say. "I have heard many many things about you...Roslyn Wood."

I feel nauseous by the way he says my name. So slippery and smooth. "How?"

"You know Draco, correct?" He questions me. "Well, I just had him tell me a few things." 

"How the hell Draco Malfoy know who I am?" I barely know him. How in the world does he know anything about me? Lucius grins at me.

"And I know your father. Well... I did."

And that's when I was suddenly wide awake. I knew where I was and who she was talking to. Memories of my father pour in and it hits me.

Oliver is gone.

My soul escapes my body and I suddenly forget where I am all over again. I can't stop the tears from falling. I collapse again, I feel myself give out every inch of myself again.

"You want to know something rather interesting about your father?" 

I don't reply 

"Your father was a double agent."


"Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to tell you that story yet, right?" He places both arms around his back and starts to step closer to me. I attempt to stand putting my body against the wall to use it as support. Each bone cracks as I do so and I almost feel myself collapse before a hand latches onto my shoulder. "Easy does it." He tells me in a way that is not friendly.

My eyes couldn't stay open anymore and it felt like I am going into shock. Lucius' big hands hold onto both sides of my head with my back against the wall. "Draco is one lucky boy. I'll tell you that." It's all muffled to her and I fall back down and Lucius is still holding me up. I could hardly feel his hand move and wipe some of the dirt and debris off my face.

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