chapter six

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I much preferred the darkness to whatever I was. Not being able to feel anything or think of anything. It was pure bliss to not feel. The darkness called to me. Singing me a delightful song to calm me, reel me in. It worked.

Darkness stretched out a hand and I accepted it.

Call me selfish, and ignorant, I simply do not care. You would do it too if you were me. Wanting to be claimed by something that could give me peace and sanity.


A voice so bitter and familiar called to me.


I had it. I was so close to being free but something was taking me back. A force stronger than the darkness, stronger than anything.


I woke up with a gasp and felt something slip out from under my hand. My vision was blurred for only a second before it came clear to me that Draco Malfoy was beside me, kneeling, his eyes in pure shock by my sudden sound.

I could feel him shudder a breath.

"It's okay, you're okay." His voice breathed to me as my chest rose up and down, the beating of my heart echoing in my ears. "Breathe. You are back at the Manor.

"You are safe."

I didn't feel safe, I couldn't feel safe. It was better than Voldemort.

I brought my hand to my chest to feel the sweat coating it. I pressed my hand on my chest creating pressure so I could calm it all. My breath, my heart, my thoughts. It worked.

The more I got grounded I realized I really was back in the Manor, I was back in the bed, I was in my room. Narcissa was standing near the door fiddling with her fingers and Draco Malfoy was still next to me. Whispering words of reassurance that I am 'okay'.

Am I really okay considering I almost just died because Voldemort invaded my mind?

I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't stop him, I was too weak. I hated how weak I was.

"When did we get back to the Manor?"

"Two days ago," Draco answered, looking down at the floor, hands grasped behind his back. He looked at me for a second. The force tugged there for a brief second but I banished it away. "He looked too deep, he wanted to know everything."

"About what?" My brows furrowed and our eye contact remained.

"Us. Our past in fact."

I have no clue why but I felt something throb in my chest.

"If he found out we were connected in any sort of way back in Hogwarts..." Draco swallowed hard and I heard it. Like the thought gave him pain. "You would've been killed or put into a different set of hands and that is worse than being executed."

It struck me like lightning.

This, the marriages, this was torture.

This is supposed to be torture.

Bring people that loathe each other together and torture them with that hate.

"You have gotten weak since the war, Wood." My actual last name again. "You need to get stronger."

"Do I?"

"Considering you almost died from Legilimency, yes, you do." Draco started turning about the room, moving his hands while he talked. Narcissa was still there in the corner, her eyes following Draco. "You and I will be starting training. Tomorrow. In the courtyard."

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