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Okay hear me out, how can you spend months with somebody like her n not catch a lil feelings

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Okay hear me out, how can you spend months with somebody like her n not catch a lil feelings. I don't plan on getting a relationship with her or anything not right now at least. We still getting to know each other and I just recently broke up with my fiancé, someone I've spent years with someone I thought I really loved. I do love her and us being apart helped me realize that I wasn't in love with her and no just because bèl was here. It just showed that people wanting to be in two different places in life and wanting different thing can over power a relationship. The thought of being a single dad never fazed me because I know how bad I wanted this so I know I'm going to give my child my last breath. But as far as bèl I do feel feelings her, I hate the thought of her fucking wit somebody else. I always want to be around or talk to just to know what she was doing or how her day going but I know a relationship is not in question for us right now.
"Oo so David has a crush on little ole meee?"

"Awe shit don't let it go to ya head that mf already to big" her bed lowkey better den mine

"See cause you can get out, how you just gone come here disrespect me like? Like get your hair braided and a full beard then come talk to me"

"You ain't even have to go there you know I'm sensitive but seriously I ain't gone front like I ain't catch a lil feelings but I know that I'm really still settling shit with Erika but I would love working towards a relationship in the future if that's something you want of course" I've never been one to sugarcoat nothing

"You ain't even have to go there you know I'm sensitive but seriously I ain't gone front like I ain't catch a lil feelings but I know that I'm really still settling shit with Erika but I would love working towards a relationship in the future if t...

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I wasn't entirely shocked that Dave said he had feelings for me because he never really tried to hide it. But I'm glad he didn't want a relationship right away either.

"Awe my feeling have grown to and I'd be okay with that because we're still getting to know each other and I don't expect you to be over someone you were with for years I mean you guys were going to get married that doesn't  just go away over night. I'm willing to get to know you on a more intimate level if you can agree that you won't make me fall for you and then decide to work things out with Erica"that's my biggest fear was falling for him and then they decide they wanna be together

" I'd never even do either of yall like that me and Erica relationship was strained for the past 2 years it just wasn't the same when we met I was just getting my business off the ground and she was just there very supportive and as the money started coming in she started to get greedy she was always a spoiled girl and I didn't mind that but her entitlement was bad but I loved her so I had no problem. I always knew that I had wanted kids but everytime I would the conversation up she'd say we weren't ready and at the time it was understandable we still young shit like that but when I purposed I was hoping that was us taking a step into building our future but she didn't even wanna get married right away we had been engaged for a year with no date set n minimal planning so I kinda figured it wasn't going the way I wanted to so when she ended things I was hurt but not as much I as I would've been if she ain't been giving me the signs throughout the years. We just want different things in life and that okay. But that is now my past I'm working on my future."
I didn't expect him to open up about their relationship but it did give me some insight on his mental state about the situation

"Wow I appreciate you being vulnerable with me I really do"

"I gotta be when I'm tryin to build something with you I'm maturing for myself and my lil life your helping me bring into this world, but with that being said I would love to take on a date"

"A date huh? Okay I'd love that"

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Sooooo I kinda feel like I rushed their romantic status so lmk😂I also don't proof read until later so sorry for any mistakes

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