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your eyebrows dug marks into your forehead as you knitted them together while calle sulked at you from across the lecture hall, slyly pointing to her phone with her pencil. the girl had refused to study for the exam, pulling you into her trouble as she nagged you for answers. you exhaled as you pulled your phone out, checking around the room for anyone looking before sending her the answers.

calle 💞

this shit is so easy you owe me

calle 💞
yeah yeah
love u

of course you do

calle 💞
let's get lunch after this??
i think bo and keiji want to come



you watched as bokuto and akaashi sat down at your table, you smiled as bokuto immediately started a conversation with calle, curious to how she did on the exam in psychology. you turned to keiji, frowning as he stared down at his phone. "sorry y/n, i'm getting nailed for homework answers," the boy apologized, quickly typing an assortment of messages.

"don't worry, calle did the same to me." you watched him look up from the phone, slowly turning to his sister with a disapproving look. "don't argue, i want a peaceful lunch for once." you smiled at the boy as he sighed, turning his attention back to his phone. "is it kuroo?" keiji hummed, setting his phone down onto the table with a distressed look.

"do good on your exam?" you nodded, moving your plate closer to the boy as he reached for your food. "i studied a bunch but i still feel like i did bad," he stressed, sitting back into the booth.

"i think we all feel that way," bokuto joined, leaning onto calle in a teasing way. "except for this one, she seems to be the only one not worried," he smirked, messing with her black hair. you and keiji shared the same look with each other, unimpressed with the two.

"only because she has y/n," the boy next to you added, lightly tapping his sister's leg with his foot. "what happens when you don't have a class with her?" you smiled as calle shrugged with a foolish smile, obviously carefree about the hypothetical situation.

"she's a prodigy, she can probably get me answers if she hasn't already taken the entire class!" calle ranted, exaggerating your knowledge. you raised your eyebrows at the girl, slouching your shoulders.

"she can't be that smart," bokuto furrowed his eyebrows, doubtful of you, flinching as calle lightly smacked his arm.

"she was reading dictionaries during recess when we were kids," calle emphasized the kids as she turned in your direction, squinting her eyes at you. "prodigy." she pointed, twirling her finger around your face.

"but y/n texts like an idiot." bokuto frowned, staring at you with a look of suspicion. you frowned before akaashi scoffed, smiling at bokuto.

"don't let her deceive you."


you leaned into calle's room, grasping onto the door frame as she had allowed you to enter. "homework?" the girl hummed, shifting her body to reveal bokuto on the phone, waving while speaking inaudible words. "tell him i said hi too," you requested, shutting the door after she nodded and waved goodbye with a smile. you frowned to yourself as you entered your room, picking up your phone from the neatly made bed.

you and four others

so are we all free tomorrow?
because i want to do something after all of these exams

me too
nobody wants to do anything

calle 💞
maybe because we're all drained

i'm running off of coffee idk how you guys do it

me either
they're both just balls of energy atp

how dare you

i'm not energetic i just have nothing to do

you did not just say that

must be nice 🙄

calle 💞
just do our work and we'll be free 🤯

you called me a prodigy earlier
i am not dumb enough to fall for that

maybe you should get a bf or gf
maybe get a hobby

quit bullying me
i like my alone time
and i like a limited number of people 🤬

calle 💞
me too tbh
they don't get it

boys never do

quit complaining
how about instead of doing nothing you start working out
ik you've been slacking

he called you out


calle 💞
yeah y/n
if you're such a genius shouldn't you know that daily exercise is important??

count your days
all of you

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