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you yelled at sakusa as he passed you, riding in the grass before he cut ahead of you on the sidewalk. "i thought this was supposed to be nice!" you shouted, watching him turn his head around with a smile before he let his legs down, quickly halting the bike. you did the same, stopping next to him. "that bike looks a little small," you raised an eyebrow as you shifted the weight of the bike on its side.

"i borrowed it from kuroo," sakusa explained, smacking his hands on the handlebars. "which he borrowed from kenma," he finished, you laughed at the boy. he placed his foot back onto the pedal, looking around the town before turning back to you.

"all of this just to go on a bike ride?" sakusa hummed, nodding his head boldly.

"the things i do for you."


you gaped as you noticed what was ahead, quickly rushing down the trail after sakusa, you slowed your pace as you reached the blanket in the grass. "a picnic?" you asked while turning to him, sakusa nodded with a small smile.

"sorry you had to wait, i wanted to set it up." your face softened into a happy expression, hesitating before you grabbed his arm and hugged him.

"thank you sakusa."


you raised an eyebrow as you approached sakusa on the couch, noticing the odd look on his face. "what are you looking at?" you asked the boy, watching him put his phone down with a smirk.

"nothing," he responded, extending his arms out to grab the popcorn bowl that was secure in your arms. "hand it over!" he demanded, reaching up for the bowl like a needy child.

"you should learn how to be patient." you sat down, pushing him away as he continued to reach. the boy frowned, giving up and turning back to the tv. you shook your head as you gave him the bowl, watching him smile. "what are we watching?"

"finding nemo."

"i watched that last night."

"well, too bad," sakusa retorted, starting the movie. your eyes rolled before you exhaled, adjusting your position and taking the other half of the blanket that belonged to sakusa as he lightly shouldered you. "why don't you take the whole blanket?"

you scoffed at his comment, turning to see him glaring at you. "this is why i don't invite you to movie nights."

"you just don't like me." you smiled at his comment, shaking your head.

"did i say that?"

sakusa gave a small shrug, tilting his head like a confused dog. "your actions make it seem so," sakusa responded. you giggled at the comment, staring back at the boy. you shared a look before you bit your lip, sakusa licking his.

petrichor | kiyoomi sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now