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sakusa watched your expression change as you answered the door, seeing him greet you with a smile on your own doorstep. you furrowed your eyebrows as the boy chuckled, cocking his head. "you really aren't used to surprises, hm?" you frowned at his impolite comment before widening the gap between the door frame and door. you waited for him to take his shoes off before stepping onto the wood floor, wandering around the place before you two took a seat at the table.

"so, what are you doing here?" you asked, glancing at your phone before setting it down and turning back to sakusa. his eyes flickered around the room they met yours, his unsure expression matched his broad shoulders upward movement. "really?"

"i don't know, i heard you were upset about something," sakusa explained, you bit your lip before sitting back in your chair, groaning. "so it's true." he smiled, laughing at your fit. you hummed, crossing your arms as you sat up. you stared at each other before you broke the silence, laughing at the ridiculous matter. "keiji told me." your mouth dropped as you heard his name, sighing.

"of course," you spoke up, resting your face in the palm of your hand. "i don't know." you shrugged, averting your eyes away from his. sakusa shifted his head to the side with a reassuring smile. "valeria," you answered, squishing your hands against your face as the boy laughed.

"what?" you raised your eyebrows at him, sakusa taking the hint, sighing loudly. "what about her?"

"she's really pretty."

sakusa's lips parted as he paused, his mind quickly racing with disbelief at your comment. "are you serious?" you gave him no response, leaving sakusa to his own thoughts. "she and i are barely acquainted," he explained, you eyed him with a doubtful look. "i know you much more than her, i didn't know you were so upset."

"i never said i was upset, maybe a little paranoid."

you lightly struck your fingers against the table, watching sakusa stand up and stare down at you. he hummed before walking away, treading around the room, curiously looking at the decorations that were neatly arranged to calle's liking. "maybe just tell me how you're feeling, you shouldn't be left in the dark with uncertainty," sakusa spoke, picking up a picture frame that you recognized to be a photo of you and your mother. you frowned as he turned around with a smile, turning the picture for you to see. "cute," he commented, carefully putting it back in the right spot. sakusa spun on his heel, returning to the table. "i noticed that bike on your front porch, when was the last time you used it?"

your calm expression jumbled, his question left you confused. "a really long time ago, why?"

"how do you feel about going on a bike ride with me?"


you laughed with bokuto and kuroo as you sat on the couch together, voices hoarse and faces tired from laughing. "that video never gets old." kuroo sighed, resting his head on top of yours. "so," he started, lightly shoving you. "what's up with you and sakusa?" you shoved kuroo back, catching bokuto's attention.

"i don't know, he came over today and like forced me to talk," you explained, laughing at the reaction from the two. "he didn't force me but he somehow got it out of me." bokuto hummed, smiling.

"that's it?"

"we're supposed to go on a bike ride tomorrow, if the weather is nice." you smiled as you told the two, watching them share a look before smiling.

"that sounds like fun." bokuto enthused, setting his phone down to give you his full attention. "do you know where you're going?" you shook your head with a tired look.

"nope, he did not tell me."

kuroo patted your forearm before getting up, standing in front of you with a smile. "i'm sure it will be somewhere nice, it is sakusa." he assured, saying a goodbye before making his exit.

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