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missed u guys
now leggo
"So, you're getting discharged today. Excited?"

"Yes, don't get me w—"

"I was talking to Simoné." Noah says, waving me off with a smile. He rubs at her little pink socks, cooing at her as she laid on his lap.

"No, but really, you ready to go?"

"Yes, my push food was good and my nurses were extremely nice and helpful but. . . nothing beats your own bed." I say and he nods.

Noah had only left the hospital once since we got here, and that was to go pick up a car seat and a few things for Simone and I. Sebastian was staying with my mom until I was discharged.

"The car seat is in the car so whenever you're ready. . ."

"I'm still waiting for the doctor to come back with the papers but I've already showered, so I'm ready."

"She's just so. . . small. Babies are small."

After that small little incident of Noah freaking out about holding her, he hadn't put Simone down. The only time I had her was when I breastfed.

Nine months in my uterus and she's a daddy's girl. Of course.

"Yeah, babies are small. You were that small once."

"Actually, I was a chubby baby."

"Of course."

"I've been big my whole life, I basically came out 6'7." Noah said, a smile on his face as he laughed slightly.

"I just can't imagine Noah Hart with chubby cheeks."

"I highlight a lot."


"Like, the make up? Don't you use it to basically shape your face?"

"Noah, what are you talking about?"

"The make up! People put the highlight around their nose so their nose doesn't look wide."

"Contour, baby." I say, swinging my feet to the other side of the couch. Noah nods and whispers to our precious daughter.

My core still hurt. It felt like somebody just laid a hot comb on me. I did not appreciate the feeling.

After Sebastian, I don't remember being half as sore as I am now. Simone came out smaller than Sebastian yet pushed me to my limit more.

Thankfully, she was all happy and healthy. She latched on quickly and passed all her tests with flying colors.

"I don't wear make up so I have no idea. What is highlight, Simone?" He asks and her response is just her tightening her fist around his finger. My heart melts at their interaction as I grab my wash cloth.

After quickly getting myself together, for real this time, I was finally ready to go home.

I just wanted to lay in my own bed, eat my own food, use my own bathroom, and not have eight people checking up on me every top of the hour.

"Okay, congratulations Mommy!" My nurse said as she wheeled pushed me to the car. Since I had just given birth, they told me it was best to stay seated and to just 'enjoy the wheelchair ride down'.

I stand as Noah helps me into the car. He had buckled Simone up while my nurse brought me down.

She was asleep, but I needed to feed her in 25 minutes if I wanted to stay on schedule.

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