Chris's first day ❤️

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~Christine's POV~

I can't believe I'm going to another school this year. At least this time I'll be going to a school close to my house. I hate getting rides from my mom. She's always so stressful when she drives, so I'd rather just walk.
"You better get going, you don't wanna be late!" My mom yells from upstairs. I'm kinda excited to be starting fresh. Maybe this time I'll make some friends. It's so hard for me to just talk to people so at my other two schools I hardly had any friends. I hope today is different.

~Arriving at Whittier High School~

I walk in and I see tons of people I know. This is so exciting! I missed so many of them. They all went to Middle with me and when my mom made me go to La Serna High I was heartbroken.
I go up to my friend Ann. "Heyyyyy Annie! Guess who it is!" I say with my hands covering her eyes. "Marie?" "NOPE!" "Ummmmm.... Geselle?" "NOPE!" "Well then who is it? Don't leave me in suspense!" I take my hands off her eyes and she turns around and sees me. "What are you doing here?!" She says with joy in her voice. "I moved schools for the third time in this last semester" I say kinda depressingly. "Why? What happened Christine?" She says worried. "It's a long story and I'd rather not talk about it"
*the bell rings for first period to start*
"Well I gotta go to class. Have a good first day" She says. And like that, she's just gone. I have no idea where I'm going and what I'm doing. My class is v-105. "Where is that? V building?!?! How big is this fricken place?!?!" I begin to wonder around the campus hoping I'll find it or find someone who can help me out at least. "Damn Ann just leaves me alone to find my classroom by myself. This place is like an entire 4 blocks huge! Who makes a High School this big?" I'm wandering around mumbling to myself when I bump into someone. Someone.... Big... Muscular. I look up and see a GORGEOUS guy looking down at me confused. "What are you doing wandering around for?" He asks me. "I'm extremely lost and I don't know where the V building is..." I say ashamed. He chuckles. "Are you new?" "....yea." I hesitate. "Come with me. I'm heading over there right now." We begin to walk.

~We're walking~

"I'm sorry for bumping you like that. I was just irritated that I couldn't find my classroom. I was looking for at least 15 minutes." I said with relief visible in my voice.
"Don't apologize. I'm glad that you did. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to help you find it. What's your name anyway shortie?"
"Christine Scott. And why'd you call me shortie for? I'm not THAT short." Even though I am pretty short compared to him I still pretend like I'm not. I'm actually 5'2 ft tall and he has to be at least 6' ft tall. That's like a 10 inch difference.
He looks down at me. "The fact that I have to look down at you shows that you're pretty short... Shortie." He chuckles.
"Anyways I'm gonna change the subject. Ummmmm.... Well what's your name?"
"It's Luke. So are you a natural blonde or do you dye it?" He asks curiously.
" It's natural. I'm thinking of doing it red though. Not really sure yet. What do you think?"
"Nah don't dye it. I think you look great with blonde hair. It's a rare beauty."
We arrive at the V building.
"What class you got shortie?" Luke asks me.
"V-105, ROP administration of justice. How about you? What do you got?"
When I say that I see his beautiful blue eyes light up. "I got the same class as you. Mr. Delgadillo is so chill. You can sit with me. He lets us sit anywhere we want."

~We walk in the class~

"I found her wandering around trying to find the class Mr. D." Luke tells the teacher. Mr. D chuckles. What's so funny about that? I mean the schools really big. Whatever.
"So your the oh so famous Christine Scott everyone's been talking about."
"What do you mean?" I ask as curiosity takes over me.
"When everyone found out you where starting at the school today all the kids where talking all about it, so when I saw you where going to be in my class and you didn't come I sent Luke out to go find you sense the students said they saw you this morning." He explains.
" Okay, but how did everyone find out I was coming? I only told my best friend Brianna." I ask Mr. D.
" I don't know Christine. You might wanna ask her. Now take a seat please. Anywhere you want. There's no seating chart."
*I take the seat next to Luke and just wait for my first class to end.*
All I can think of is how friendly Luke was to me, how gorgeous his eyes are, how amazingly buff he is, how funny he is, and most of all, how he's my only real friend here so far..

HEEEEY! thanks so much for reading my story! If you have any ideas of what should happen with them message them to me! Thanks loves!

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