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~Chris's POV~

Its been about 3 months since I was admitted into the hospital.
I'm still not sure what really happened but me Bri and Luke are learning to get over it.
I decided to just leave the past behind myself and move on with my life.
Bri however hasn't learned to do the same when it comes to her boy issues.
Something happened between her and Calum and now they're just done she had to break up with him. he was flirting with other girls and when she found out she was so upset. I'm on my way to her house right now to try to help her out.
As I pull up to her house I let myself in. I walk up the stairs to her bedroom and I open the door. I knock on the door frame.
" hey Bri its Chrissy, Can I come in?"
She smiles when she sees me. I can tell she's happy that I'm here.
I can tell she's been crying. she has dried up mascara running down her face.
I look at her wrist and they're all cut up. I decide not to say anything, i know it would make her more upset.
" I wasn't expecting to see you here Chris." she says this with a smile on her face.
" why couldn't just leave you by yourself after seeing what you posted on instagram." (Picture of post up top).
" oh... " I can tell she's embarrassed by it.
" well anyway, there's a party tonight at Christian G's house. I wanted to come over here to invite you to it."
" do I have a choice?" She asks me this already knowing my answer.
"Nope!" I smile
"Uhg. I dont wanna. I dont feel like doing anything!" She whines.
I know what will make her want to go.
" there's going to be a really cute guy there, And I hear that he really likes you. He won't shut up about you."
" who?" I can tell she's more interested in what I have to say now.
" you'll see. come on let's go get you ready."
I hope Brianna wash your face and then we redo her makeup. then we get her changed into a cute crop top and some high waisted shorts. We do her hair and soft loose curls. She looks stunning.
" damn, I'm good!" I say to myself proud. " I think you're already now just put on your shoes and let's go."
She puts on some brown wedges and she's all ready.
We leave the house and get into my truck.

~Arriving at Christian's place~

we pull up to Christian's house. we can literally feel the beat of the music under our feet.
He owns a big mansion made of glass. Its amazing.
" well this is it!" I say towards bri smiling.
For the first time in a very long time I see complete and utter joy plastered on her face. Im so gonna get her laid tonight.
We walk in. right away Christian comes up to Bri. I knew this was going to happen since it's obvious that Christian has a huge crush on Bri.
Everyone knows about it except her because she was too in love with Calum. Even Calum knew about it but he didn't say anything. He's such a douchebag.
" hey Bri. I'm glad you can make it tonight." Hes so shy. Its too adorable.
I walk away without her noticing and go off to do my own thing. Im so ninja.

~Brianna's POV~

*Freaken Christine. She thinks I didn't notice her walk away. Whatever. She's so stupid sometimes. Whatever.*
"So... you wanna get me a beer?" I ask Christian making him feel obligated to give me a beer. I know that he's the guy Christine was talking about now. He's so cute.
I can tell its him because of the way he's talking to me. That and the fact that Chris left. I swear she thinks she's sneaky but she's not.
"So Bri... How come you decided to come? I really wasn't expecting to see you here. I heard about Calum and if you want his ass beat I can sure as hell take care of that for you."
I swear Christian is being such a sweetheart.
"Trust me, if I wanted that done it would have happened by now, and besides, I'm so over him. I'm ready to find someone way better then him." I decide to drop hints on Christian because he's like in love with me and I wouldn't mind getting to know him in that way.
I take a swing of my beer.
"Well I think I'm way better then him." He says this very proudly.
"Damn, someone's feeling cocky." I tease him.
"I don't know if it's just me that this happens to or what but I have a boner just from talking to you."
I look down and BAM! There it is. A HUGE boner. I'm not sure why but I feel oddly flattered by this.
"Hey can I get your number? I thought I had it but I guess I don't." I try changing the subject.
I hand him my phone so he can put his number in. I do the same to his.
He looks at the time. "Hey it's about time for me to start the game of truth or dare. Wanna come play?"
"Yeah sure. I love this game." I suck at this game but I still enjoy it.
"HEY EVERYONE! ITS TIME FOR TRUTH OR DARE! EVERYONE WHOSE DOWN GO TO THE DEN AND FORM A CIRCLE SO WE CAN START!" I hear people upon people snickering about the game. We make our way down to the den after stopping in 7 different rooms repeating the same thing so everyone hears about it.
When we get down there everyone formed a massive circle in his massive den. He and I take a seat. He sits with one of his buddy's and I go sit with Christine.
The game starts. A bunch of people do some crazy shit like having to jump off the 3rd story of the house into Cristian's giant swimming pool... and they did it! Wtf is wrong with people?!
"Okay Christine! Truth or dare?" Christian asks Chris wayyyy too excited.
I can't help but giggle at his perky attitude.
"Okay! Ummm... dare!" She's brave as fuck seeing what everyone else has been dared.
"Okay! Ummm... any good ones people?" Christian asks everyone in the circle and the whispering begins.
"Okay! We got it! I dare you to deep throat this cucumber!" He pulls a cucumber out of his pocket.
"You keep a cucumber in your pocket?" Chris asks him.
"In case of emergencies."
"Whatever. Give it here." She grabs the cucumber from him and stuffs the entire thing into her mouth like it's nobody's business. Damn. It looks like she's had some practice.
She takes it out and i look around the room. Almost every guy had a boner at this point.
She takes a bite of it.
"Ight. It's my turn now. Brianna, truth or dare?"
"Dare.. i guess." I pick dare because i dont wanna seem like a chicken after seeing what Chris did with her mouth. Like what the fuck? Whatever.
She grins. "I dare you to.... play 7 minutes in heaven with... Christian!" I look over at Christian and he's smiling just a little.
"Fine." I say this as if i don't mind and i give Chris the 'i hate you' look.
We both go upstairs and to his bedroom.
"So... what do you wanna do beautiful?" I look at him as he looks me up and down.
"Let's talk. Yeah, talking always nice.." I say uncomfortably. I barely know him. "Tell me about you."
"Okay.." He begins, "I'm very nice, usually, and I'm in football, I love singing and dancing, and I work out a lot."
Damn, he is fine after all. And this kid likes me? Wtf?
"So I hear you've got a thing for me?" I ask this to see if he'll admit it because I already know it's true.
"Who told you that?"
"A little birdie. Now spill." I grin at him.
"Well the rumors you've heard are true. I DO have a thing for you. I think you're like super pretty and sweet and badass all at once. I don't know, you're just my type."
"We should hang out." I propose to him.
"Yeah. How's tomorrow around 7?"
"Sounds like a plan."
Yay! I've got a date! I soooo need this.
~~~~~~~~~~later that night~~~~~~~~~
The parties over and me and Christine are too drunk to be driving around.
"Hey Christian, is it okay if me and Bri stay here tonight until we sober up?" Christine asks him, knowing his answer will be yes sense I'm involved with this.
"Yeah, sure. You guys can sleep on the couch."
Her and I are more then happy with this due to the fact that the couch is probably bigger and more comfortable than any other mattress or anything I've ever seen.
Me and Chrissy go to sleep.

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