Crossing over

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~Luke's POV~

She's been in the hospital for a year today. She would have been a sophomore by now. Sometimes I feel like she's never gonna wake up. Like I should move on from her... But I can't. I could have any girl in the school that I wanted, but I don't want any of them. I just want her. I love coming to visit her. I love seeing her. I love that she isn't dead. I'm pretty sure she'll wake up soon. I've been saying that for months now. It makes me feel better.
I hear the machine that's hooked up to her heart. Her heart stopped. I feel myself panic. This has happened 5 times now, yet every time it happens I still feel my heart drop.

~Chris's POV~

I can hear when Luke speaks to me. I get really sleepy and I sleep for days. When I'm not sleepy I get up. I walk around the hospital. I've done this about 5 times now. I try talking to Luke but he just ignores me. He acts like he can't hear me. I wonder if he's angry.
The nurses don't ever say anything when I take my strolls around the place. I hear them say I will have to stay in the hospital a while longer. I had a dream once of me seeing myself asleep on the hospital bed. I looked like I was just sleeping. Luke was on the other side of the bed crying. I'm not sure why he would be crying if I'm only sleeping. He confuses me. It was all just a dream. It felt very real, but it was just a dream.
I get up to go for a walk. I go and I visit the people in the waiting room. I also visit the cafeteria and the halls. There's this one guy who tells me he's also a patient at the hospital. He tells me to 'Cross over with him'. Whatever that means. I visit him sometimes too.
His name is George Vasquez. When I visit him he's usually sleeping, just like me. I'm not sure why but sometimes I feel depressed like I don't want to be here anymore.
"Christine Scott?" I hear George calling me. He's my real only friend in the hospital. He's the only person who talks to me. I try telling Luke about him but Luke's angry with me so I just stopped trying after a while.
"GEORGE!" I get so happy to see him. He's a 57-year-old man, but he's my only friend. "I missed you. I haven't talked to you in forever!"
"So are you ready?" He asks me.
"For what?" I think he's talking about the crossing over thing. I still need to get more info on that.
"To cross over" He tells me.
"George, I would love to but what is it?"
"I've tried explaining it to you. It's when you cross over into Heaven."
"But how can I do that? I'm not even dead." I say
"You're not dead. That's correct. But you're like me. You're in a coma." A coma? Nobody ever told me about this.
"How do you know George?" I ask as curiosity fills my head.
"Follow me." He takes me to b-110. My hospital room. "Go in there and see who's in that hospital bed. Who's in there Christine?"
I walk in. Nobody even notices my arrival. I look in the bed. That's me...
"GEORGE! Am I.... Gonna die?"
"That's up to you..." He says it like its my choice.
"How is that my choice?" I ask him hopefully.
"If you lie down and wake up, then you can live. If you cross over with me, you can go to heaven."
I go over to my...body. I lie down and I push. I push my body so hard. I want to wake up. I try. I try and I try. Solo hard. I push my eyes. I want to open them.
"Doctor!" I hear Luke calling for a doctor. "She's moving! I saw her eyes flutter for a second!"
"Oh wow. Her heart rate and blood pressure have both risen intensely. Nurse!"

~Luke's POV~

I see Chris. She's like an angel. She's so peaceful. I look over at the machines. The numbers on it just rose up traumatically. I look over at Chris. I swear I just saw ...her eyes open! I call in a doctor and tell him what I saw. "I saw her open her eyes. She's trying to wake up!" He tells the nurse. They're all doing everything they can. I'm in the room just hoping and praying for her to wake up...

MWAHAHA! I'm so EVIL! I left a Cliffhanger! 😈😈😈 I hope that this chapter was good. I think it was pretty out there. Comment what you think. Vote and share and all that good crap. Thanks for reading loves.

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