How do they know?

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~Christine's POV~

So I've been attending Whittier High for about four months now and today is mine and Luke's 3 month anniversary. He's taking me somewhere special, but he won't tell me where it is. He's such a sweety but he knows I hate surprises because the curiosity kills me.
Right now I just have to focus on what I'm gonna wear for school today. I grab my phone to check the weather.

•Today's Low- 57 degrees f
•Today's High- 80 degrees f

"Ugh it's going to be so hot later." I say to myself. I hate the heat. The only good thing about it is the adorable outfits you can wear. I ended up picking out a cute summer dress even though it's not summer... I mean it's still hot so might as well right?
It has a white top and a light shade of pink with flowers on the bottom. It's a little more frilly at the bottom half. I have a couple cute braclets that match it really well and a pair of sandals that have high heels and are white and strappy. Then I put a gorgeous diamond necklace on that says 'Love' on it. I put my blonde hair in small loose curls and feather it to give it more of a layered look. I braid both of the front pieces of it and trail them to the back. I stick an adorable baby pink bow in the back to connect the two braids. Then I grab my white handbag and I'm ready to go. (There's a picture of the outfit up top).
I know I might be a little more dressed up for school then most but I feel like looking nice today. After all, my boyfriend and I have a date after school.
Just thinking about him gives me happy excited butterflies that just go nuts in my belly. I miss him so much and I'm so excited to go see him. I grab my keys and leave my house. I don't have a car so I walk but it's not that far.

~Arrives at the school~

I walk into the school. I've still been trying to figure out why everyone was talking about me. Why everyone was so buzzed about me transferring.
When I walk in everyone is staring at me in awe. I don't blame them. This is the first time in 2 weeks that I've actually tried to look nice. I'm not sure if I went over board and I really don't care. All I know is that I look good.
I walk over to the spot where Luke and I usually meet in the morning but he isn't there. I feel my heart sink when I don't see him. I missed him so much. I hear my phone buzz. I pull it out of my bag and check my notifications. It's a text from Luke.

Luke: Hey babe. Sorry I'm gonna be late. I'll probably be to school by 9ish. Love you. :)
Me: Why? What happened? Is everything okay?
Luke: Yeah I'm fine. I just needed to go to the store and now I'm stuck in traffic trying to make my way back to school.
Me: Okay babe. Be safe. Love you. Bye. :*
Luke: Bye baby. See you soon. :*

*End of conversation*

He's so sweet. I wonder why he needed to go to the store though? Oh well. I'll ask him later.

*the bell rings*

I make my way over to the V building where I have my ROP class. We usually take down notes and then hang out for the rest of the period. Sense Luke wasn't there I just sat there and thought to myself about why people where so buzzed about me. A lot of people would talk about me but I'd only hear my name and nothing else.

*Skip to passing period*

I pass by a group of friends and I knew a couple of them from Middle School. This is what I heard them say...

Girl one- "You know Christine Scott?"
Girl two- "Yeah. Who doesn't. She's like the talk of the school."
Girl three- "Why is everyone talking about her. So she's new. What's the big deal?"
Girl one- "Well the big deal about her is that I heard her dad beat her and that's why she moved back to whittier with her mom."
Girl two- "Oh well no wonder. How do you know?"
Girl one- "Word spreads. It's not fact, just rumors."

I walked past them pretending I didn't hear anything. They got silent. Now I wish I didn't know why people were talking about me. I was fighting off the tears that where threatening to spill. All those bad memories I was trying to throw away. All those things that he did and said to me. They were all coming back to me. How on earth did they know about that? I didn't tell anyone! Not even Bri! Nobody. The tears took over and began to flow out. I was sobbing. The bubbly cheery girl was sobbing. ME. I don't ever do this. Not once in my life. I'm lucky not that many people are out of class yet or else a lot of people would see me and lord knows pictures would somehow end up online. I go to a spot only I and Luke know about so I can fix myself. I get to it and I see Luke sitting there. Shit. He can't see me like this. Then he'll make me tell him about why I'm crying.
I begin to walk away hoping he didn't notice me.
"Christine!" I hear him yell with excitement. Crap!
I stay turned around so he doesn't see my face. "Yeah?" I ask pretending like nothing's wrong.
"C'mear I missed you." He says to me sadly. I walk over to him and try to force a smile. "I missed you to babe." I say trying to play it off as if nothing was wrong.
It doesn't work. He sees my smeared mascara and my puffy eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked me worried.
"Nothing. My eyes were... Just watering really badly in class." I lied to him straight to his face! I'm a horrible person and a horrible lier. Before he even gets the chance to say anything to me I get this feeling of guilt and it takes over me. I could never lie to him. I end up trying to take it all back. "Okay! Okay. I'm lying there is something wrong. I just can't lie to you about anything can I?" I giggle a little bit. I don't know why but even in the most upsetting situations I still find a way to smile.
"Baby, just tell me what it is. I wanna help you but how can I do that if you won't tell me what's going on?"
He has a good point. Maybe I should just tell him. Everyone else knows and he is after all my boyfriend. I just don't want it to seem like I have too much baggage. What if it scares him off. What if he doesn't wanna deal with it? What if he changes his mind about us? Shit. I don't want to tell him anymore. Before I realize what I'm doing I find myself running away. I run straight out of the school and I go to the park a couple blocks down. I can't handle this anymore. I can't do it. It hurts me in ways I can't even describe. All I can say is this is officially the worse day I've had in a long time.

Hey guys! I'm still not sure what I'm getting at yet but it's something! I love writing this and I love that you guys are reading it! I'll be working on the next chapter soon! Inbox me or comment any ideas you may have for what should happen next. I could use all the ell I could get! Thanks loves.

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