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~Christine's POV~

I see Luke walking alone. I feel a smile forming on my face. Why does that always happen to me when I see him. I'm so bubbly. I run over to him an give him a big huge hug. He doesn't hug me back though. He's just kinda off in his own world.
" Whats wrong Luke?" I ask him worried.
He snaps out of his daze and responds to me. "Nothing, I was just thinking." He responds.
" about...?"
"Nothing." He says to me. I know he's lying but I just leave him alone about it. If he doesn't want to talk about it I'm not going to force him.
" OKAY! TODAY WE'RE GOING TO BE PLAYING DODGEBALL! I NEED TWO TEAMS! GET IN THEM. HALF OF YOU ON ONE, HALF ON THE OTHER. I NEED PEOPLE WITH LAST NAMES THAT START WITH LETTERS A-M ON TEAM ONE, N-Z ON TEAM TWO!" Coach is basically screaming at us. He always does this. He does know we can here him if he just talks right? Whatever.
I go to team two sense my last name is Scott. I see Luke on the other side of the gym. He's on team one. That's because his last name is Hemmings. Dang it! If he and I were on the same team we could get everyone out so quick. This is gonna be a tight game. At least Bri's here sense her last name is Soto.
"Where's your lover Bri?" I ask her.
"He's on the other team. His last names Hood" she says disappointed.
"Sounds to me like a game of the sexes. Let's show 'em who's boss." I tell her to try and cheer her up. She smiles excited.
"Hell yea! Girls fucking rule!" She yells and high fives me. Ghad I love this girl... And dodgeball.
*Coach blows his whistle as our cue to start.*
Bri and I both run over to the middle of the court and we each grab a ball. Our team and they're team are both pretty good. We eventually end up with Me and Bri left on our team and Luke and Calum are the only ones left on theirs.
"This is some intense shit." Bri says to me.
" I know. Let's go whoop some ass." I say pumped. We both get a ball and begin to launch them at the boys. Bri ends up getting Calum out so to her she already won. "Nice shot Bri" I say as Calum takes the walk of shame off the court. "Thanks Chris"
I see a ball coming towards me and I dodge it. It flies past me and hits Bri. She high fives me and walks away towards Calum. Probably to brag about how she whooped his sorry ass.
All the balls are on my side so I get the first shot. I throw one straight towards Luke! It's gonna hit him! No way he's gonna dodge that one! But then... He... CATCHES IT!!! Shit! I'M OUT! ...asshole. -.- I take my walk of shame and he's all happy that he beat me.
I walk over to him and give him a big huge hug. I look up at him "Congrats, you beat a girl." I tease him.
"Don't be a sore loser Chris." He says jokingly. I just laugh.
"It's okay. I forgive you for catching the ball. At least you didn't hit me."
"Didn't want to. I wouldn't want to hurt you at all. That's why I didn't hit you all those times I threw the ball towards you." He confesses.
"So you purposely didn't hit me? Why?" I ask kinda mad.
" I already told you, I didn't want to hurt my beautiful friend. I care about you too much." He says. I can tell he regrets saying that right after it finishes slipping out of his mouth. I use this to my advantage.
"You think I'm beautiful?" I ask him.
"Well... Uhhhh...unmm. Uhhhh..." He stutters. Does he.... Like me? Like more then as a fiend?
"Well...?" I ask impatiently.
"Imightkindahaveahugecrushonyouandithinkyourebeautifulandperfectbutiknowyoudontfeelthesamewaysoineversaidanything...." He's rambling.
" I can't understand you Luke!" I yell over his blabbering trying to get his attention.
He takes a deep breath "I said I might kinda have a huge crush on you and I think you're beautiful and perfect but I know you don't feel the same way so I never said anything." He says to me. I'm in utter shock. I had no idea he felt like this. What do I say? What do I do?
"...Chris... It's okay.... I'll just go. I'm so sorry. I'll leave you. I know, you probably hate me." He says sadly.
But I don't hate him. I love him. I love him a lot. I love him in that kind of way. *he begins to walk away* "Wait..." Am I really about to do this? Well it's too late now. I have to do it. "Luke come back. I do care about you. I don't hate you. I actually... Love you..."
I stand there waiting for a response. I'm nervous. I feel my body shaking. The butterflies are here, but this time they're scared butterflies instead of happy excited ones... Then I just all of a sudden feel a pair of lips pressed firmly against mine. THEY'RE LUKE'S LIPS! I stand there dumbfounded while Luke is bending down just to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my tiptoes. Then I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me gently. He's so muscular... But sweet. My mind is in a whirl. A million different thoughts are rushing threw my head. Then... They just stop. I'm just happy and calm. I feel like I belong with him. He pulls away.
"Christine, I know 11 guys have asked you out this semester and you have said no to all of them because of your pickiness, but I'm gonna go for it anyways. I know I don't have anything special like a rose or a poster but I feel like I belong with you. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of how you love to see the goodness in others, maybe it's the way you're always so happy, maybe it's because of the way I can talk to you, or maybe it's all of those reasons and more. I want to get to know you in a way only one special person does. I want you to be mine. Will you be mine, Christine Scott? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me.
He just poured his heart out to me in front of everyone. How can I say no to him? He's so amazing. Then I notice I'm tearing up.
I'm so stunned at what just happened I don't know what to say so I just shake my head yes. A smile bursts onto his face and he swoops me up and kisses me again. Could this day get any better?

Heyyy guys! Just waned to say THANKKKKKK YOUUU so much for reading my story. I still don't really know what it's going to be about. Just going with it. ANYWHO! I wanted to give a special thanks to @Mandarkzacpop2 for helping me come up with this chapter. ❤️❤️❤️ thanks again loves!!! The next chapter should be ready by next week.. MAYBE SOONER. So just check in with your notifications. Bye loves. 💜💜💜

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