This isn't the end, but the beginning

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~Bri's POV~

"Hey babe. Aren't you gonna take more bags? Is this really ALL your stuff? There's only two suitcases here." I nag him a lot. He needs to bring more stuff with him.
"Hun it's enough for me. I don't need a lot. The dorms aren't that big." He looks down at me and smiles a little bit. He's so friken adorable.
"Okay... I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE LEAVING ME!" I say very dramatically as I give him a huge bear hug.
"I'm gonna come visit on weekends. I swear."
"But it's college. What if you meet someone there that's better then me at like a college party or something? " I begin to scare myself.
"There's two things wrong with your theory Bri. 1. I'm not going to be at any parties since I'm gonna be studying or with you and 2. Nobody's better than you Bri." He kisses me on the forhead. Awwww
His cab drives up the driveway.
I don't want to say bye yet.
"Can I come with? Just for the day? To see the school and everything. Pleeeaaassseeee?" I beg him annoyingly.
"Yeah if you want. How are you gonna get home?"
"I'll call a cab or something."
We get in.
"Could we make a stop please? Just a couple streets up." I ask the driver. He says of course and I direct him to where I want to go.
Christian looks at me suspiciously. He knows where we're going.
"And turn right. Now just pull up here and I'll be right back." I run out of the car and into the house. I grab what I need and drag it in the car.
"Figures you'd bring that." Christian says.
"What? I can't go anywhere without it." I look at him and smile.
"I have a name you know?" Christine says. Haha I grabbed Christine and put her in the car. (Hehe I tricked you guys.)
"Why am I in a cab?" She asks me this semi-irritated.
"We're going to Christian's college for today. We gonna visit." I grin at her. Mwahahahaha. Im a kidnapper.

~Christine's POV~

I just got home from a date with this guy named Jeremy. Uhg he's so dreamy! He has dark skin, hazel eyes, a fit body, amazing friken hair, and an awesome personality.
He told me he just graduated High School and he's starting school at the same college as Christian, (Bri's BF).
I get home and go straight to my couch and turn on Netflix when from out of nowhere Brianna runs thru my living room, pulls me off the couch, drags me out of my house and stuffs me in a cab. Great.
"Figures you'd bring that." Christian says.
"What? I can't go anywhere without it." Bri looks at him and smiles.
"I have a name you know?"
I say to both of them. "So where are we going?" I ask them.
"Cypress College".
"To see the campus silly." Brianna states this as if it's just soooo obvious.

~Fast forward to arriving at Cypress~

We walk on campus and realize just how friken huge the place is. It's like 3 times how big our school is and our school is around 4×6 blocks big. You do the math.
We walk up to Christian's new dorm and see that his roommate still hasn't arrived.
We help him unpack what little amount of things he's brought and set up everything the way he wants it.
We hear the door click open and see somebody walk in. His hood is covering his face so we can't see him.
"Hey, you must be my new roommate. I'm Christian and this is my girlfriend Brianna and her friend Christine." Christian tries to make his new roommate feel welcome.
"Christine? That's my girlfriend's name." He says this with his back to us facing the wall so we can't see him.
"What's your name?" I ask him.
"Jeremy." He turns around and sees me and gives me a big huge hug leaving both Christian ans Bri confused as hell.
"What are you doing here?" He smiles hugly and hugs me again.
"I'm obviously here with my friends." I gesture over to them and see them both still in a state of confusion.
"Brianna, Christian, this is my boyfriend Jeremy."
I see Brianna become angry with me. She pulls me into the hall. "Why didn't you tell me you have boyfriend?! I thought that we tell each other everything. What happened to that?! When?"
"When what?" I feel so bad.
"When did you guys become a thing? When were you gonna tell me? When?".
"We became a thing a couple weeks after Christian's party. He was there and you had left me alone for a while because you were with Christian so sense I was there alone he came up to me and we talked for a couple hours and then we exchanged phone numbers, he left, we went on a few dates and then he asked me out. We became official like a week ago. You've been busy with Christian. I was going to tell you when we had managed to get away from him today. I'm sorry Bri."
"What happened with Luke?"
"I found him in bed with another girl."
"What a scumbag. Welp, he's cute." She says this a little more quietly.
"I know right?"
"I can't believe our boyfriends are roommates! This means we can both come visit and we can all go and double dates and we can all do blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." She rambles on and on about it.
"Yeah we can!" I pretend to be excited as if I had actually been listening.
We both walk back into the dorn and the boys are both wrestling.
They don't notice us when we walk in.
I loudly clear my throat hoping that they'll stop. They do. I see Jeremy blush. Awww.
"We were fighting to see who was the strongest." He says this and it's just so cute.
"Who do you guys think would win?" Christian asks. Simultaneously Brianna says Christian as I say Jeremy.
They both begin to fight again.
"Wanna make a bet?" I ask Bri.
"20 bucks." Is all she said. We shake and watch them fight.

*After the fight*

"Pay up." I say to her. "Christian lost."
She hands me $20 and I shove it in my pocket and go hug Jeremy. He picks me up and gives me a kiss and I feel myself blushing. I peck him on the cheek. He has to pick me up or else I can't reach him. He's like 6'3 1/2 or soemthing crazy like that and im barely 5'3.
"Welp Christine, it's already 6, I think we need to get going."
She's right.
I give him a kiss.
"Text me, okay? And come visit me next weekend, Christian's already coming to Bri's so just hitch a ride with him." I kiss him one more time and jump down. We leave.
Right when I get into the cab i feel my phone buzz. I pull it out and the screen reads *message from Jeremy* I open the message and it says "hey baby, I miss you" I feel myself blushing and Brianna reads my phone. She smiles at it and shows me her phone. It shows a mesage from Christian saying "next time you come visit can you bring me some macaroni?"
I giggle.
I text Jeremy back
Me: "haha already?"
Him: "of course, I love you and I miss you when you aren't with me."
Me:"awww, I love you too. Goodnight baby."
Him: "Goodnight".
I get home and go to sleep.
It'll probably be a while until I see him again. For now he's just gonna be in College. This isn't the end, but the beginning.

So basically this is my last chapter and I'll be making a second book! I don't know what it's gonna be called yet but I'll be working on it. It's not really about the votes, it's about the fact that I enjoy writting this story. If you enjoy this story too then vote and be sure to check out my new book. It will be released by June 20th, 2015. Thanks so much for suporting me! Love you guys!

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