The drive back home

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~Christine's POV~

I wake up in a bed that I do not recognize as my own. I look over at the person laying beside me. It's my baby, Luke. I then remember what happened last night. I remember all of it. I'm not sure I told him I was a virgin. I really should have waited.
"You up?" I gently tap on Luke's shoulder.
"Yea. What time is it?" He asks me groggily.
"It's 9:00am baby. What time are we heading out?"
"Around 10ish. We need to start getting ready."
I get up and go to the hallway and I grab my makeup bag and my curler.
"Babe. Where's the bathroom?"
"Over there." He points to a grand bathroom. I forgot what it looked like. I was so tired last night.
"Okay. Thanks".
I walk in and take out my makeup. I don't ever wear a lot. Just concealer, foundation, mascara, and a nude lipstick. I like to keep it simple. More of a natural look. Guys are more attracted to natural beauty than lots of makeup.
I go to tell Luke I'm ready to leave when I see him waiting patiently on the couch for me.
"You ready to go little lady?"
"How long have you been waiting for me?"I ask scared to hear the answer.
"35 minutes. It's okay baby. I could wait all day as long as I knew I would get to see you afterwards." He says and then gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go".
I feel myself blushing at what he said to me. I walk outside and try to play it cool. He opens the door for me then puts our bags in the trunk of the car. He gets in the car and changes the station when one of my favorite songs come on, Sweater Weather. I begin turning it up and singing really loud. I feel so bad for Luke. He has to put up with my horrible singing the whole way there. Poor guy.
The song eventually ends and nothing else good comes on so I end up just shutting it off.
"I hate these roads. They scare me and make me feel sick from how swirvey they are." I say to Luke.
"I'm sorry babe but there's not much I can do about that."
"It's okay. I'm just complaining. Sorry". I really feel like I'm gonna puke. "Luke, pull over." He pulls over and I get out of the car and run to a bush. I throw up.
When I'm done I come back to the car and clean my mouth with a water bottle. Then I eat a mint and get back in the car.
"You okay baby?" He asks me worried. "Im fine. Thanks babe."
"It's all good. You ready to get going?"
"Yea. Let's go." I say bravely.
We take off.

~Luke's POV~

I feel bad about that. I should have helped her out somehow. How was I supposed to help her though? Her hair was already up and everything.
I decide to try and stay away from twists and turns by taking a side rout. I don't want to tell her though because she'll just say she's fine and make me stay on this path. She's a tough chick. That's for damn sure.
I make a left hand turn onto the side road. She doesn't notice, thank goodness. I then drive for a while until she ends up falling asleep. I look over at her. She's so cute when she's sleeping.
"SHIT" I scream. I try to speed up but its too late. "NO! NO! NO! I make my best effort at reaching my phone and dialing 9-1-1.
"9-1-1. What's your emergency?"
"There h..has just been a car crash at the intersection of 1st and 9th street! Hurry!"
I'm screaming at this point and there are tears in my eyes.
"Baby. Baby, wake up.. Chris, wake up. Everything's okay." Nothing. She doesn't even budge. A car had ran right into the passengers side of the car which was the side she was on. She has glass from the window stuck in her head and her arms. I have a few pieces here and there and I'm hurting really bad but I don't care. I just care about her being safe and okay.
"Chris! Christine! Christine please wake up!" She won't wake up.
The police and ambulance arrive. They put her on a gurney and take her to the back of one of the ambulance vehicles. They put me on another. All I can do is wait. Wait to get to the hospital. Wait for her to get better. Wait for her to... Wake up...

What do you guys think should happen next? Any ideas? Messages me them. I'll shout you out if I use your idea. Thanks loves

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