The Date

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WARNING! There is descriptive intimacy in this chapter!

~Luke's POV~

Me and Christine end up leaving school early and going on a date. I must admit she looks stunning even after crying. She's so beautiful, like always.
"Can you just tell me where we're going Already? The curiosity's killing me!" She's such an impatient little thing. Glad I love her.
"Can't tell ya shortie. If I did that it wouldn't be a surprise."
"Who you calling shortie? Shortie."
"Your come-backs are horrible babe. "
"Like yours are any better." I hear her say that as she's giggling. "So anyways. At least tell me how long until we get there please?" She's so impatient!
"About two hours babe."
"Are you serious?! Two hours?!" She's sounds stunned.
"Yeah. We're staying there overnight babe. I brought you a suit case."
"How'd you manage to get my stuff? She asks me curiously.
"When you were at the park I went by your house and asked your mom to help me pick stuff out that you would need overnight. You sure do need a lot of stuff don't ya?"
"Um. I guess. So my mom knows I'm not in school and she knows where you're taking me?" She asks me.
"Yup". Oh shit. I shouldn't have told her that. I know exactly what she's gonna do. I see her grin and whip out her cell.
I pull over.
"What are you doing?" She asks me.
"Oh nothing." I take my phone out of my pocket. I text Chris's mom.

Me- Hello miss. This is Luke. Your daughters boyfriend. You gave me your number for emergencies and in case I need to speak with you.

Jen (Chris's Mom)- oh hi Luke. What do you need?

Me- I just want you to know that where I'm taking Chris is a surprise for her so please don't tell her. Thanks.

Jen (Chris's Mom)- no problem honey. Have fun and be safe.

Me-will do miss. Goodbye.

*end of conversation*

I show Chris the texts. "Good luck trying to get it out of her. I know what you were gonna do." I grin. I'm so smart.
"Dang it! How'd you know?" She's smiling.
"Because I'm just that awesome." I say proudly.

*Fast forward to arriving at the date spot*

"Okay baby we're here." I say happily.
"Yay!" She's says extremely excited. She's like a big kid. So happy and bubbly. I wonder why. "Where are we?" She asks confused when she realizes we're around a bunch of trees and stuff.
"Just come with me baby. I got your suitcase." I begin walking.
"Are we camping?" She asks me.
"Nope. Just a couple more minutes and we'll be there. I promise baby"
We keep walking until we eventually reach our destination. When she sees where we are she gets super happy and excited. She has so much energy.
"Are we really staying here?!" She asks stunned.
"Yup! I say." I look up and see a medium sized log cabin. She told me once that she's never stayed in one and always wanted to try it. I figured this would be perfect for us.
"Wow babe. I guess you do pay attention to me huh?" She giggles.
I unlock the door and set our things down. I did my best to get a nicer one. One with wifi so we can watch Netflix and stuff. I wanna just have a nice lazy night with my love.
"I can't believe it." She's still astonished.
"Believe it baby." I say happy. When I see her happy it makes me happy.
She walks over to me and hugs me super tight. I look down at her and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back. I grab her by her butt and lift her up. Sense she's so short this is how I kiss her. I love my shortie.

*fast forward to after they're done kissing *

"So would you mind showing me around?"
"Well yeah sure babe." I say. I come to this cabin once a year with my family. My dad owns it so I was able to come here with her for free.
I take her upstairs first. "Okay. Up here there's the four medium sized bedrooms and a shower. Now if you'll come with me down stairs I'll show you the kitchen and the living room. Then where we'll be staying for tonight." I'm so excited. I act like I'm trying to sell her the house by talking all about it while I show her. She won't stop laughing because I'm using a funny voice.
"Over here is the kitchen. As you can see the counter tops are make of this grand golden colored marble. If you would be so kind as to follow me over here to the living area. There is a two seater and a three seater couch on either end of the room as well as 2 massage recliners. Feel free to try them out at any time after the tour. Thank you. Now over here is the master bedroom where you and I will be staying tonight. As you can see it's quite big."
"Big?! It's HUGE!" She's got this huge grin plastered on her face. "This is where I get to sleep? Like really I'm not dreaming?"
"Really baby. You and I are sleeping there tonight." I'm so happy. I defiantly made the right decision as to where I was gonna take her. I've been planning it for weeks. I wanted everything to be perfect.
"It's already 8?" She asks surprised.
"Yeah. Sorry it took so long to get here baby." I say apologetically.
"It's okay baby. It was so worth the wait!" She's so positive.
"So now that we're all settled, what do you wanna do?" I ask her.
"Is there Netflix?" She asks. I knew she would I ask that. That's why I chose this cabin. It's the only one my dad owns with wifi.
"Yup. Wanna watch something?"
"Duh!" She says as if it's just oh so obvious.
"Okay babe. I'll make the popcorn and you pick the movie." I hope she doesn't pick anything stupid like mean girls or titanic. I pop the popcorn and put it in a big bowl. When I come out I see she put on her favorite movie, Tangled.
"Is this even on Netflix?" I ask.
"Yeah. Just for this week. It's a special. I watched it like 4 times this week. Rapunzel's so badass."
"I know baby. I know" I tell her. She thinks Rapunzel's a badass because she has that frying pan and everything. She's cool but not my type. Christine's my type. Christine's a regulated badass.
I look over at Chris and she's sucked into the movie. I say her name, nothing. I say it again, still nothing. I tap her, nothing. It leaves me no choice. I hope she doesn't end up hurting me. I snap in front of her face. She jumps out of her seat and practically falls off the couch. I look at her trying not to laugh. "Sorry... B.. B..babe." I say between laughs.
"You scared me so badly! You butthole!" She yells at me. Next thing I know she's on top of me ticking me so much. I can't stop laughing.
"Stop! St..t..op!" I try to say between snickers. She eventually stops. We're both laughing hard.
"Now we're even." She says after she's done laughing. She's still smiling though. Then I realize she's on top of me.
I grab her by her ass and pull her up closer to me and I kiss her. Before I know it I'm on top of her on the couch and her dress is off as well as my pants and shirt. She has her arms around my neck and I have my hands holding her torso. She looks into my eyes and I look right back into hers.
"Do you want to do this baby?" I ask her just to be sure.
"I'm sure Luke."
At that I begin to pull down her panties and then I take down my underwear as well. I begin to rub her and I hear her moaning quietly. It's soothing to me. After she's wet enough I move up her body and kiss her every few inches all over until I make my way to her lips. Then, as I'm kissing her, I slowly inch my way into her. I hear her moans get louder and louder as I go deeper and deeper threw our kisses. I am eventually all the way inside of her. I begin to go a little faster and harder within each stroke until I feel I'm going to burst. Then I take it out and have her suck on me. I moan softly from the amazing sensation I get from releasing. She eventually stops and comes up towards my face and kisses me.
"You wanna go take a shower babe?" I ask her knowing that she probably does.
"Yeah I do actually." She says.
"Okay. It's over there." I show her where it is and she walks over to it.
"Okay babe." She kisses me one last time and leaves.
I get in the shower once she is done and changed. By the time I'm done in the shower she's already sound asleep on the bed. I go over to the other side that she not on and get under the covers. I kiss her head.
"Goodnight. I love you baby." And at that sleep begins to take over my body and I fall into a deep sleep.

Thanks guys for reading! I loved writing this chapter. Comment on what you think should happen next! I'm having bad writers block right now! Thanks again loves.

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