Chapter 4

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They kept getting louder the closer they came. They all yelled about his 'mistakes' while other sat down and silently ate.

"Excuse me everyone," Gill said, he got some attention but not the ones he wanted. Fuck it he thought.

The triton created an ice blade, getting looks from Jay and John, before he threw it in between everyone. That gathered the attention he wanted. Before he started talking it exploded into shards on the other side of the room.

"That is quite enough. Yes, I've decided to have children, just not the way you'd all want and that is my decision. Not yours. Now either you all can settle down and we can continue this festival, or I have my people escort you," Gillion said confidently.

"Hey! What about him?" A queen said angrily, "he yelled at my husband for nothing and a-and," the women starting fake sobbing as she was pointing at Chip.

"I yelled at your husband cause he was being a dick," he said, glancing around.

"Silence. You know what I've learned from being king? The loudest is the strongest and if you don't agree to their customs they will be full of rage. I gave you two options would you like a third. Either leave or shut you fucking mouth about my decisions when my kingdom is doing the best out of all of yours. Do not come at me with your homophobia-" he hit his hand onto the table where he once sat. Frost went around his hands, "disrespectfulness-" the other hand went down, the same thing happening, "or tell me what I must do," he sat down again, taking his hands off the table, the frost staying as he sat their silently.

Some started to leave, others just sat down quietly. Chip stood at the door, talking to the ones leaving.

"Thank you for fucking off,"

"Oh no no thank you for judging people,"

"Thank you for being disrespectful,"

Until John told him to stop, so he did. Jay laughing a bit.

Caspian walked in, finally hearing about what happened and walked over to Gillion. No one else had heard what he said, he was careful about that.

"Your highness, this could start some massive shit you don't wanna get into. I would say you send them an apology,"

"No. Absolutely not. I may be soft but they disrespected me and my kingdom,"

"I understand that but-"

"Im sorry Caspian but no. I refuse to do that,"

"I see. Well then my next suggestion is to cancel the festival, do it with the kingdom more than with these assholes,"

With that Gillion nodded, looking across the table. "I've decided that I will be ending the festival early since of recent events. You may stay for the rest of tonight but my request is to leave by day tomorrow. I apologize to those who had brought their children, I wasn't planning on this happening,"

The more respectful ones nodded, some muttering a small 'thank you' about the swears. Gillion once again got up but this time just stood by the door. "Did my father have to go through this?" He asked John.

"Yep. He handled it worst than you did so good job," he gave a thumbs up. Gill nodded glancing at Jay and Chip. The two of them were fooling around, just like Edyn and him used to do. Chip thought he could beat Jay whereas Jay knew she could beat Chip.

Gillion smiled softly before walking out the room, going to the pool they had. No bleach though, only the best water. He changed out of the dress before starting to swim, drowning out other noises. He realized that this would've been a better place than his room but he can't change the past.

After a while, everyone finished their meals, some just packed and left with a goodbye or a sorry whereas some stayed for longer.

"Fuckin hell where did he go?" Chip looked around as Jay snickered. "Shut your mouth Jay,"

"Oh I am, trust me," he said before shaking his head, "you want help finding him?" Chip nodded, "follow me then,"

They walked down the steps once more, looking around before turning some corners and ending up at the pool. There Gill was, swimming around with the other creatures in the water. He noticed the two and swam up, "hello Jay, Chip," he smiled.

"Oh I found a new creature. It's a frogatpus," he held up a pink fusion between a frog and octopus, "I named her Pretzel,"

'Pretzel' crawled onto the floor sitting next to Chip making weird noises at him.

This is what he liked about being royalty. Not the duties, or anything of the sorts. Just the fact that he could do things like this and wouldn't get in trouble. Sure Caspian or John could tell him to stop doing things but not many.

The other two decided to go to sleep, leaving Gill alone. He went to his room, changing once more. He decided he was going on a walk to think about what happened, to relax. He passed by a tired looking John, "John get someone else to do the shift and please rest," he said before he left, walking into a forest.

Their were folktales about this forest. They would say that you could feel eyes all over but that didn't bother Gill, but he did believe it.He continued walking, a noise came from behind him, he turned and saw Pretzel. He scooped her up, carrying her into the forest.

"Would you like water my moist friend?" The creature made a small little noise, "alright I'll find some," he continued walking, coming to a stop at a pond. Pretzel went in swimming around.

Gillion was starting to understand what they meant by eyes all over. Some of the trees seemed as if they had eyes, animals would stop and stare. Though he had forgotten one of the most important part of the tale.

'There is a forest in this part of town, right behind the royal castle. It was filled with monsters. People would disappear into there and never return. The worst monster is in there. It went by N.H. It was considered a wish doctor from those who did return.

The wish doctor is this terrific creature who would do everything in his path to twist your dreams.  He could destroy worlds if he wished. The slender, thin monster would invite you in just to crush you. Just you kill you.

Though, one year, the king, Finn Tidestrider had arrived. He made a deal with the creature. He wouldn't come to destroy the village and in return he would call on him if needed. And he did...'

"Ah. Gillion Tidestrider, correct?"

"And you are?"

"My name is-"

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