Chapter 12

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{trigger warning: disturbing imagery}
"Then I will,"

It was silent in the palace as the two spoke, as if it was broken.

"So, tell me again Edyn. What are you doing in here. Playing with Pretzel or looking for your sibling?" They asked.

"What if it's both?" She looked at the now face down picture again.

"Hm..," Caspian said, shaking their head, "this is a mess," they muttered.

"What is?" It asked, confused.

"This. Gillions gone missing, Finn showed up and now you," Caspian said, slowly sounding more stressed as the conversation went on, "sorry I didn't mean that in a bad way b-"

"Finns here?" Edyn seemed to not change much, for she asked many questions then and now.

"Yes, just not here. With them," they stated.

"And you let him go?" She sounded almost mad or disappointed.

"He wouldn't have been welcomed here and hes with John," they said, "why do you asked?"

"Caspian. I don't know if you know this but unlike Finn or I, my parents are fucking dead because of this sick fuck. I suggest you tell John to be careful," Edyn said with anger, "now I feel like it's time for us to sleep or just do something other than this,"

"Well, if you want for old times sake, we could go crystal looking?" Caspian said, "only for a little though. We don't want your captain getting mad," Edyn chuckled slightly as the two stood up. Edyn walked out the door, Caspian following behind. Though they looked back into the room, before whispering, "I hope they find you.. there's so many things you must see Gill," then Caspian closed the door and followed Edyn.

They found all kinds of thing in that hour. They found gems that could hold light, magical ones, even holy ones. Of course they did find some that would be said to be the 'lower class' crystal but they were still pretty.

Caspian looked at their pocket watch before looking at Edyn, "we should get back to the palace. Liz will wake up in about six hours or so, and I need to make sure I'm at the palace when they return," they said as they put the watch in their pocket.

"Awe, okay," she smiled before putting the crystals they found into a leather back, "it was this way back right?"

"No that's east, we're going north. Just look for the star and you'll find it," they smiled back and walked to the palace holding Edyns hand gently, "I'm thankful you're back. I'm sorry you had to go through that," they said after a while.

"It's okay. I've gotten over it,"

"You shouldn't have to. You were the youngest yet you helped everyone. No one helped you in return,"

"Caspian it's okay,"

"Yes but are you okay?"

"I.." she blankly starred into the nightsky. "I don't know. I feel as if I've been torn apart then slowly put back together but pieces were missing. I don't think I'll ever be okay and that's my fault. I snuck into that wagon as a kid, I didn't have to," it sighed before bringing her eyes to the ground, "it doesn't really matter though so don't worry bout it, okay?"

"I will but I won't push you. I'll do my best to be here when you need me to be. You can always write letters," Caspian said, smiling, "now come on, the castles just ahead,"

They walked into the castle, seeing La Alma at the door. Caspian walked in with Edyn and walked to Edyns old room. It had changed but it seemed as it was put back each time.

"Sorry if it isn't like it was," they said, before continuing, "you may put the crystals in here then go to sleep. If you need me, come find me," they said before walking out.

They walked into the hallway of photos, looking at the one of them all. They began to draw them, but differently. Caspian wanted to draw them as who they really were.

The childrens father, was drawn as someone transforming into a beast. He had green ooze slowly coming out of his eyes. His mouth was jagged along with his pointy teeth. His clothes were covered in pus. He had two daggers lunged into his chest.

The children's mother, on the other hand, was drawn as two faced. On one side of her, she had a smile pasted on her face, with a beautiful silky purple dress. On the other side, her face was gone, it was just red ooze with a frown in it. The dress was a dark blue, with ten or so wholes. Her legs had patches on them, stab wounds even.

Finn, was drawn as some sort of beast. It had tentacles sticking out of its eyes, worn out clothing and blood coming from them. Swords where stabbed into his back all around and one stabbed right through were his heart would be. In his hands, that seemed to be grasping something, was his beating heart that spilled of this ooze. It was black, pitch black. It seemed to drip from his eyes and mouth as well.

Edyn was drawn as a scared child. The expression in its face was terrified. It's hands seem to shake as the rings fell off of them. It's suit had been ripped up and torn. Tear drops had formed, creating some kind of black puddle around her. It seemed to be trying to get away from her father. Her starfish earrings seem to be ripping her ears off.

Gillion was drawn as an abandoned child. Unlike the original picture, he was near Caspian instead. His dress was torn near the bottom and dirty with everyone's ooze, tears and blood. He himself, wasn't crying nor was there ooze. All the rings on his hand pulled him down. Eyes surrounded him from the back.

Jay was drawn as a warrior. She now stood by John in a long trench coat, gripping onto a sword as if his life depended on it. She have dried ooze on her along with blood. Pointed teeth but gentle eyes. Though some of her fingers were bleeding for they were cut off.

John was drawn as a general. His hands where chopped off with a knife in his chest and neck. He had decaying clothing and skin, his organs slowly being exposed. He had pus under him, that mixed with blood.

Caspian drew themselves as someone who seemed crazy in a sense. Their head was gone, replaced with similar eyes to Gillions, yet he had more. Their normal eyes sat in their hands along with their ears. They, like Finn, had a sword through his heart expect this time their was a heart.

Niklaus was drawn into the background, seemingly pulling the strings. He had everyone in his hands, a giant twisted smile on his face. They had black ooze running throughout every area and hole in his body.

Caspian then started writing words in red pen around the drawings, "help me," "save me," "hello?" "Is anyone there?" "Please," "save us," and so on.

"If sick bastards, want to be sick bastards. I shall see them as I deem fit," they wrote on top is a teal fading to purple colour.

"If they don't come back with you, I shall return you myself," Caspian sighed before closing his drawing book.

"One day.."

The sea prince (JRWI Riptide)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora