Chapter 10

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"Now. We grab Gill, fight Nik if we have to then get the fucking hell out. Okay?"

As the ship approaches the dimly lit sky, something seemed off to the pirates. It was quiet, very quiet. Liz looked at her crew before saying, "follow me. We gotta go to the castle alright? Don't get lost nor side tracked, okay?" Everyone gave a nod or some sign of agreement.

They got off the ship quietly, Aslana almost slipping but Maria caught her. They began heading to the castle in the silent town. Usually there was some kind of noise, something! But.. there wasn't. It was scaring the captain.

By this time, the only one who really changed was Edyn. She put on black clothing that covered her body along with heading her head. It stood close to Liz while they walk, feeling like a kid again.

There was a small noise in a puddle and Edyn looked down, watching it before stopping. In it was a pink frogatpus, pretzel. It bent down and grabbed her, now holding it. She remembered having it years ago and wishing to give it to its brother but couldn't as they left in a rush.

The approached the castle and knocked. When the door opened there was a cat humanoid, "who the fuck are you guys?"

"La Alma, go get Caspian," Liz said tiredly before the cat closed the door and step could be heard.

"He seemed really fluffy," Edyn said, getting a nod from Aslana. The name she had heard however.. it was familiar.

The door opened again and behind it was a stressed looking Caspian, "oh Liz. Come in, come in. Jay isn't here right now, nor is Chip, John and the prince," they said, opening the door fully and moving out of their way, "come in, quickly," the

"What do you mean they're not here?"

"Well Niklaus has the prince we believe and the others went to find him,"

"Do you think they need help?"

"I don't think so but as I said you're welcomed to stay here,"

Edyn held onto the small creature with her head down. The siblings just stood up straight while they were talking.

"Alright. You three I have a request for you all, go into the forest and just look around. Maria to the sky, the other two just stay under them. Satasha make sure Aslana is alright. And you," she turned to Edyn, "just follow me okay?" it nodded.

The three siblings then disappeared into the forest during this early morning.

"I don't believe I've met this one," Caspian said, glancing at Liz, "are they new?"

"Nope. I've had it for what? A decade almost? Yeah," Liz replies as they came in.

"Well then, I'm Caspian, and you are?"

"My name is Edyn,"

"That's a lovely name," they said before looking just a little more stressed.

"Would you two like something to e- wait what's in your arms Edyn?" Caspian asked before Edyn placed it down, "oh it was Pretzel,"

"Pretzel. Seems like something you'd name a creature E," Liz joked getting a small laugh from Edyn.

"Can I get either of you anything?" Caspian asked, looking between the two.

"Do you want anything?" Liz asked Edyn, getting a shake of the head, "Nope, I think we're fine," Caspian nodded and they began their way up the stairs. Liz headed to her room and Edyn followed but one room interested her.

It had the name "Gillion Tidestrider" and under that were words craved into the teal door. "Champion of the undersea, hero of the deep, the "one", paramount champion, knighter of  Julian that one time, Singer/songwriter of 'Hole In Your Heart', Liberator of royal casino, moisture master, healer of the sick, defenestrator of adulters, walking fish, leviathan tamer, friend of doogon, bug slayer, weed eater,' it seemed to have stopped there.

Once she heard Liz asleep, she booked it for the door as quietly as possible. She knew what she knew but she wanted to remember. She wanted to remember her family like they might've remembered her.

Edyn ran as fast as she could, running towards the room before opening the door. Inside was a little blue bird and Pretzel. It looked around before just sitting on the bed, sighing.

"I'm going fucking insane aren't I? Trying to find them, it's no use," it stood up and walked around the room. There was a desk with a picture of what seemed to be the royal family. Two small tritons and two older, taller ones. It looked like a happy family although the older two had their faces crossed out and the feminine one had a circle around its head.

Tears slowly started leaving her checks as déjà vu hit her hard. She remembered it here. She remembered it's older sibling sitting down before a gathering. She had handed them little moon earrings while she had suns.

"Come on Gillion, lets go! Papas waiting for us. Or at least Caspian is!" it said happily, trying to pull her grumpy brother up, "come on! Please?" Her pitch lowered as she stopped pulling and just stood there.

"I'll be done soon Edyn. But at this moment I don't think papa would like to see me," he said simply, holding his own tears back.

"Well does it count if I don't think you're a failure?" Edyn asked. For the first time after that, he had looked up at her.


"Does it count if I don't think so? Papa or grandpa whatever! They're old anyways! And even if they think you're a failure, we'll be failures together!"

"Thank you Edyn. I promise to make sure you stay safe and help you when you need too,"

"Yet you didn't... you didn't keep me safe.. and I'm so sorry that you felt that way. I just want to turn back the time but I can't.. if they can't find you I god damn will," Edyn glanced over at pretzel as her vision got blurry, "Pretzel do you know where he is? Can you help me? Please... I just want us home.. I want my family back,"

"Edyn, what are you doing in here? This is no where close to your room," Caspian said by the door. The teen wiped its eyes quickly and panicked slightly before landing on her lie.

"I was here to see Pretzel," she smiled as she went to pat Pretzel.

"Mhm. Well if that's the case, you wouldn't mind me asking one more little question, would you Edyn?" Caspian slowly started to walk in, sitting at a chair that was by the desk. They sighed when they saw the picture covered in marker before laying it down.

"Uh okay..?"

"What's your last name,"


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