Chapter 8

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"Well welcome to the party E. We all have missing or dead family, that's just how we roll with it," she said as she placed the cards to the side.

"I think this is better than any family I could ever have," she said with a sweet smile

Jay glanced at Finn, "nothing. Chips just being rude," she glared at Chip, "are you ready?"

"Yes. Now where do you want to go again?" he asked. He was now wearing light battle armor and cultural attire.

"To the forest where Niklaus was peepaw," Chip said mockingly, getting another hit on the arm, "ow! Stop doing that! That fucking hurts Jay," he muttered, rubbing his arm.

"Well he lives deep in the forest so it might be a little hard to get there. So we should pack some rations, though I may not have enough so I apologize," he said, opening a passage way that had various fruits there but not to many.

"Then, y'know I think the best option is to go back to the palace where the fucking food is?" Chip said, looking at the two, "then we could also get back up because if you're not going to I will,"

"They're just going to keep bitching at each other! It's a waste of time Chip, I'm sorry but no that's not happening," Jay stated, Chip rolled his eyes.

"That's what we're doing right now Jay! If some old guy gets exposed for being alive so Gill doesn't do something stupid and end the family bloodline so fucking be it! Now are you coming or not?" He asked, hitting his hands roughly on the table that stood near him.

"Jay, go. I will be fine and I'll meet you there. Don't lose your family over something little and go," Finn said as he placed the fruits into his bag, not glancing back.

"Are you sure you'll be alright and meet us somewhere in the forest?"

"I'll be near the river. Find that and you'll find me,"

"Okay. Be careful,"

"Will do,"

She sighed before the two siblings left, arguing on the way back.

"Were you really gonna chose some old guy over me? What the fuck Jay!" Disgust and fear traced his voice. He didn't want his sibling to leave, nor did they want her going mad.

"No! He's just old and I wanted to make sure he'd be alright!" Jay defended yet it was halfly the truth

"This is bullshit. You'd really choose some old guy that could die any moment and decided to die and literally go fucking crazy? He's not okay in the head Jay!"

"What? And you are?"

"At least I'm not fucking dying of age!"

"Oh gods. What are you two fighting about? Who's dying of age and why?" Caspian asked, standing by the entrance. Chip looked over at Jay, who gave a displeased glance before he spoke.

"Finn isn't dead, he's just hiding in a sense," Chip stated, "and someone almost chose him over me!"

"Wait Finns not dead?" John asked, peeking his head out before a glare from Caspian sent him away.

"Where's the proof of this?" Caspian asked, glancing between the two of them.

"He said he'll meet us at the forest edge. I asked him to help us find Gill," Jay said, "now if we want to do so we must get food for this journey," with that Jay walked right past Caspian, Chip following behind.

Before they knew it, they were ready. But there's always something no one will be ready for nor ever be. They began to walk to the forest.

"And you're positive it is actually Finn correct? Not just some old triton here from older times," Caspian asked while Jay nodded.

They continued to walk, it had fallen mainly silent. They all wanted something. John wanted to see his friend, Caspian wanted to see the person who made them who they are today, Jay wanted to prove that it was him and Chip... Chip didn't know what he wanted himself.

All of a sudden John started running, "FINNN!" he yelled in his loud voice before hugging him, the amount of pressure returning as well.

"JOHNNN!" he smiled, "John how long has it been? At most a decade right?" Finn asked, though no response came. Just a strong hug before it broke off. There, behind John stood a disappointing and tired looking Caspian who didn't dare go for the hug. "Casp, come here,"

"No," Caspian said sharply, looking into his soul, "I'd rather not frankly,"

"Why not?" Finn asked, confusion laced his voice whereas anger was apparent in Caspians.

"I'm sorry let me refresh your memory. You taught your grandson how to kill at age five and feel no remorse then kill his parents, your kids mind you and not to mention leave him in the hands of a 20 year old when he was what 11? I refuse to hug the one who hurt the ones around him for it goes against my code. Now this is not for hugging, this is to make sure Gillion will be alright. So if you excuse me I must get going," they snapped before walking into the forest. They knew the direction. They didn't need that mans help, not after that.

"What's up their ass," Chip muttered to Jay while Jay shrugged. Finn sighed before walking after him. Soon they were all following Caspian.

"Niklaus has the passage way, correct?" Caspian asked, looking at John.

"Y-" Finn started before Caspian glared at him.

"I asked John, not you,"

"Yes, yes he does," John muttered, nodding slightly.

"Good. I will take you all there, John you have the shell correct?" John just nodded, "keep that on you and keep it turned on so I can hear everything. Then I will go back to the castle. Contact me if you need anything or when we retrieve Gillion," they stated before continuing their walk.

"Here we are. It's just down here, stick to the path and don't disturb the creatures down there. Finn will tell you once you get to Niklaus," they explained, opening a hatch that had grass and fungi covering it.

They started walking in, before Finn stood back, "I'll be right with you," he said before looking at Caspian. Once everyone was in, he began. "Why are you mad about those things. That's what we do to survive. You wouldn't have made it here otherwise,"

"We've changed Finn. I've changed. Now goodbye Finn," with that the triton walked away before the older went into the tunnel.

"This way," Finn said, grabbing the torch and walking in front of everyone.

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