Chapter 11

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"What's your last name,"


"Hm. Fair. Okay fine," he got up and they began packing their stuff again. They started walking through the tunnel more, "we don't have much left. It's only an hour or so,"

"An hour?" Chip groaned, feeling a hit on his arm harshly, "ow for fuck sakes Jay! Stop hitting me!"

"That wasn't me,"

"That was you! You're the only one beside me,"

"That doesn't make it me,"

"That makes it you Jay,"

"Stop bickering, I don't wanna hear it the whole time. Suck it up Chip and Jay stop hitting your brother," Finn said sternly. The two siblings looked at each other and started quietly being rude to each other in the most loving way possible.

"I can hear them," John said after a while, "is that.. singing?"

"Yes. Niklaus does that sometimes," Finn said, "it's normal once you know him. He does it a lot actually,"

"Hm. Interesting," John muttered.

"How are we going to do this exactly?" Chip asked, "y'know what's the plan?"

"I'll tell you once we're there. For now, just follow me," Finn said before he went back to chatting with John.

"Jay," Chip whispered, "I don't trust this old man,"


"Did you hear what Caspian said? About the killing?"

"Yeah but he's not bad,"

"Jay! He's old! He could go fucking crazy dude!"

"I don't think he will. If you want, I brought your dragger. Would that help?"

"He could use that agains-"

"Now," John said, grabbing the attention of the other two, "We grab Gill, fight Nik if we have to then get the fucking hell out. Okay?"

The two nodded as everyone started entering the space quietly. They could hear muffled talking.

"I saw theses eyes.. they dripped around me. I heard what my family would tell me when I fucked up as a kid,"

"And that is?"

"You're a failure, you're a disgrace, etc. I'd rather not get into it,"

"Who was the worst of it?"

"My.." there was a pause, "my grandfather Finn. But he made my sister and I closer so for that I thank him,"

Chip glanced over at Finn, muttering swears as they continued to listen.

"He also almost killed your sister," then with the pause, there was a laugh.

"...What do you mean almost?"

"We has this conversation yesterday. He started the war but your sister isn't dead and neither is he. You just haven't found them yet,"

"H..If you don't mind me asking..." another pause

"What's with the kindness? Is this another trick?"

"No. I just realized you weren't like them. You're different and for that I'd like you to stay so I can.. help you,"


"Join me Gillion,"

"Excuse me? Niklaus you know I can't,"

"You can though. You're the one who makes theses choices! Stay with me and I'll keep you from the pain you suffer,"

"I have a kingdom to run.. I wouldn't be.. inclined to staying although,"

"What the fuck is he talking about?" Jay whispered, "is he really thinking of leaving?" she looked over at Chip who looked just as concerned as him.

"So is it a yes or?"

"It's a maybe,"

They moved in slightly, now in one of the rooms. It was a simple room with a table in the middle. Chip was glancing through the door, out of Niklaus' sight.

"Gillion. That's not how deals work," Niklaus was still sitting in his seat, eyes starring at what seemed to be Gills direction, "Listen, okay? Here you can do all the training you'd like, you can do all the good you want and there will be no one to judge you for the things you wear. Do you not trust me enough for even just that?" Niklaus said, standing up and moving from his vision.

Chip shifted finding a better place now seeing both of them. Gillion was standing, seeming nervous. His hands were where his sword used to be, his eyes didn't want to meet the monster in front of him. Niklaus however seemed just fine, he seemed to just move like liquid and be calm.

"I've only known you for two days. The days you appeared when I was a child don't count, Niklaus," Gillion said, "I'm sorry but you seem to be fine and I have people to protec-"

"You seem to misunderstand me, Gillion Tidestrider," his movement became hard as rock, his calmness slipped away being replaced by anger quickly, "I'm the one who pulls the strings, so either you stay here, with me, or I will kill those that you love. Now what will it be? Do you want them to die by your hand, no less, or join me and continue to protect them?" Their voice was filled with annoyance and anger as he stared Gillion in the eyes.

"I..." Gillion breathed in, breaking eye contact for a second, "I will join you Niklaus. I will join to you as long as they live,"

"Then let's shake on it,"

"Chip!" Finn whispered, "stop him!"

"I can't!" Chip whispered back

"Then I will,"

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