Chapter 5

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"Ah. Gillion Tidestrider, correct?"

"And you are?"

Jay was the first to wake. She woke up to his alarm that was continuing to ring. The alarm was hit silent before she got up. It was his turn for the morning shift, the one she hated. He walked over to the doors telling the other guard, La Alma, that it was no longer their shift.

Usually the only good part of the morning shift was the sunset but the palace was silent. Too silent. Usually there were sounds of something. Some sort of life. He looked around, before hearing someone walk down a hallway.

"Caspian! Can you check on Gill for me? He's usually up and about by now," Jay asked. Caspian nodded, walking up the stairs.

"Bad news Jay," they said, walking back down, "he's gone. Did he say anything to you if he was going for the night?"Caspian asked.

"No. Last time I saw em was when he was swimming. Don't tell me he went missing,"

"He might've. I don't know,"

"Who?" John asked, overhearing the loud conversation. "Who might've went missing? Was is Oliver?"

"No, Ollies safe. We don't know where Gill is," Jay said, answering John. John thought for a second before replying.

"He said he was going to the forest," John said, "he left at around 11 or so,"

"And you didn't stop him!" Caspian almost yelled, "do you not remember what happened to Finn? Are you crazy?!"

"What's with all the yelling? It's so early," Chip yawned.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell him what he had to do!" John argued, keeping his eyes on Caspian, "plus I was tired! I didn't see you up with him!"

"Chip go back to sleep," Jay said, "we can't find Gill and apparently he's in the dark forest-"

"Huh?! Shit bro I woke up to hear he's missing. Guess that's a hi- wait Gills missing?" he just now processed, "we should go to the forest then if that's true!" Chip said, looking at the older two.

"Yeah, but I think mom and dad are fighting right now," Jay laughed, "you and me can start looking though c'mon let's go," she grabbed his hand and left, without the other two notice. "Thank god we're out of there," he sighed, "the forest is just right over here,"

The siblings began walking to the forest. It hard large trees of all kinds, patches of flowers and random puddles. As they continued their journey, the forest started to get darker and darker before it became hard to see.

"I see why they call it the dark forest," Chip said, "I can't see sh- ow! My nose!"

"Chip stop walking into trees," Jay said, before pulling out a flashlight. The light was a blue colour as it shinned over the place. "I think we went to far. Gill would know not to go this far," she grabbed Chip, guiding him as they went back.

"Shouldn't we get Caspian and John? This isn't the way back to the palace?" Chip said confused as they started heading in different directions, the flashlight turning off and the sunlight appearing once more.

"I know. We're going to go find someone who knows theses woods better," Jay said, leading them to a cottage in the outskirts of town.

It had lanterns hanging down from them, overgrown moss and roses along the sides of the beige walls. The windows were shut with curtains from the inside. There was a sign on the door that read "don't knock," in black handwriting.

"Wait.. Jay isn't that your handwriting?" Chip asked as they stood in front of the cottage.

"Yep," she responded before knocking lightly on the door, "Finn? Can we come in?"

"Name?" an older voice came from behind the door.

"It's Jay and I brought my brother if that's alright," the door started unlocking and it opened.

"Welcome in Jay and Chip," an older triton, moved from the door. "Would you like tea Chip and the usual for you Jay?"

"Actua-" Chip started to speak before Jay shut him down from that thought.

"Yes please and Chip doesn't like tea," he said, as the two walked in. She shut the door behind them before sitting down, patting a spot beside him. Chip sighed, sitting next to her.

"Alright," the triton came over with two cups of tea and a cup of water, "oh, I'm Finn Tidestrider by the way, nice to meet you," he put out his hand for Chip to shake.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Chip asked, declining the handshake.

"Well, no but I wanted to be left alone for my last years. Though Jay usually visits," Finn said, looking at Chip before taking a sip of his tea.

"How many people know you're alive?" Chip asked, concerned that Jay has been seeing an old crazy man.

"Well only Jay and you now,"

"Wouldn't you prefer spending time with your family?" Chip asked, slowly getting more concerned, he glanced at Jay who shrugged.

"I barely have any," he responded coldly, "plus, it was time to leave them anyways,"

"You won't have any soon," Chip muttered, Jay hitting his arm, "ow!" he whisper-yelled, rubbing his arm.

"Excuse me?" Finn asked, glancing between the two, "what do you mean? Gillions still alive and healthy," Finn replied.

"Well, that's the thing Finn," Jay started, "I'm pretty sure your old friend, Nik, has Gill. We actually came here to get your help throughout the forest," Chip nodded in agreement, Finns face seemed calm still but inside there was a fire of burning hatred.

"We should prepare first. Niklaus can be a very dangerous creature. Jay you still have your weapons on you, correct?" He started to stand, before being ushered back down by Jay.

"Woah woah, calm down Opa," Jay said, "we need to just relax okay? We'll get him back we just need a plan first," he finished saying as Finn sat down.

"Jay, can we talk for a sec?" Chip looked over at his sibling, before the two left. The two walked out the door before Chip began, "Jay, who is this crazy old man who smells of something. I don't know what, but it smells shitty,"

"What the fuck Chip?" She laughed while he spoke, "he's not crazy, just not all in there. He's been through some things plus no one else knows the forest as well as he does,"

"He's fucking insane Jay!" He whisper yelled, looking at her, "he would kill us out there! Are you kidding me?"

"Trust me I have a plan!"

"No you don't! Your plan is to follow some old guy who could kills us!"

"It's more than that and I said he wasn't c-"

"Is everything alright out here?"

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