Chapter 14

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"Maybe some day, but not some day soon I can tell you that much,"

The three appeared inside the castle, Finn appearing slightly later. Chip looked at him before shouting, "what the fuck was that!" His voice was uncomfortable, sad yet anger mad it the most dominant.

"I never did anything I didn't have to do. Yet here you sit and scream while my grandson is s-" Finn began before Jay stepped in.

"Guys fuck off okay.  Chip I understand you're mad and Finn you're being a bitch but it's midnight and everyone's stressed. John, can you assist me in putting Finn in the jail," Jay said, only getting a stern nod from a seemingly emotionless John. The two went to grab him before two pairs of feet ran down the stairs. Two tritons.

"Is Gillion back?" Caspian asked, worried as they ran down the stairs with a slightly smaller Edyn almost tripping down them. Once they got to the bottom their face turned disappointed, "oh great," they muttered.

Edyn ran right past everyone other than Jay, pushing Finn away before hugging him. "Jay!" it smiled sweetly, "it's been so long. Liz is asleep though," she let go of her before making eye contact, "is my brother okay? Are you okay? Did this b- scumbag hurt you?"as she continued asking Jay questions, more footsteps came down the stairs.

"Edyn...? The fuck you doin'?" Liz stepped down the stairs, "oh.. welcome back guys," she glanced around before her tired eyes landed on Edyn who was no longer asking Jay questions, "let Jay be E. Now what's with all the yellin?" Edyn stepped away from Jay, before turning to Liz

"Captain, Gillions still gone and Finn is here," the tritons mood seemed to change as Liz waved it off.

"Just let them do their job and come get sleep, E. I know you miss them but c'mon,"

"If I may," Caspian started, "John and Jay I'll take him, all of you get some rest. Jay before you go, please tell me what happened. However I must speak to the bastard of a man," they said before roughly grabbing Finn and heading down the stairs muttering swears.

Everyone seemed to have listened to the stressed out Triton fore they all went together some rest or at least try.

A cell door opened, the metal hitting the pavement as Finn was forced in, " what the fuck do you think you're doing. You were given one job and yet you still failed! If Niklaus won't kill you, I bloody will,"

"Caspian you're insane," Finn replied calmly, a smile creeping onto his face, "you'll be as bad as me. You know it, I drove you down the same pathway as other have me. It is, in a sense, your destiny," He laughed coldly.

"I won't become like you. I will never become like you. Mark my fucking words Finn Tidestrider. I will make sure you never see the light of day ever fucking again!" They were shouting at this point.

"You are exactly like me. Even if I truly wanted him back home, you will never change," Finn began "you will al-"

Caspian grabbed something from the wall of weapons and threw a knife into Finns arm, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FUCKING HAG!" they yelled, "I WILL NEVER BE LIKE YOU! GILLION WILL NEVER BE LIKE YOU!" tears coming to Caspians eyes as they watch Finn bleed.

"Yes you will," he never looked at the knife, keeping eye contact with Caspian, "you know you will. Because I raised you as my own,"

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT-" they went to grab another knife, "THE FUCK U-" they stopped as a rough hand grabbed theirs.

"Casp, stop this isn't you," John said, putting the knife back, "he's right. You doing this, torturing him, torturing yourself. You will turn into him. However," he began walking to Finn's cell, "if we just," the cell was shut and locked, "leave him to rot and calm yourself down. You won't,"

"I..." Caspian was breathing heavily, "I will never be like him," they said staring at Finn.

"C'mon bud, let's go upstairs and I'll make you some tea or something, okay?" Johns voice was full of concern as he helped Caspian up the stairs. Once up the stairs, he gave Caspian a hug as the other cried into his shoulder.

"I'm not like him..! I can't be like him..! he's- hes-" they started rumbling, panic consuming them. John pulled them out of the hug, looking him in the eyes.

"Hey hey bud, listen to him okay? Just listen. You will never be like him. I'll make sure of it, Gill made sure of it. Just sit down, what drink do you want and I will make it myself," John said as the triton started to calm down, nodding.

"Red wine," Caspian said, as they sat down. John just nodded and left, leaving Caspian in front of the hallway of photos. As they zoned out, John came back with two glasses of wine. "Didn't know you liked wine,"

"I don't," he chuckled, "I know you do though," and he set both of the glasses in front of them. "Tonight just relax, I'm sure that we'll get him back one day and I'll tell you what happened tomorrow. I'll make sure Finn stays and rots and I can take care of everything for a bit. Just relax for now okay?"

"I didn't know you were all kind like this John, it's almost romantic," they laughed, "I'm just kidding, but thank you. I'm sorry you had to be there for.. well that,"

"It's all good. We all have our moments and at least I could've been there for you even slightly,"

They both sat there, silent taking over. But it was different from the normal silence. This was nice.

"Thank you again John. You are truly a friend," Caspian spoke after a few minutes

"For you, the world," John smiled.

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