1. What Follows

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- Hey, wake up.

A familiar voice hugs the ears of Dio, he opens his eyes to see a bright light, the voice then told him.

- Hello, brother. Said the voice through the blinding light.

Dio couldn't believe what he was hearing, he whispered a name that send shivers down his spine.

- Jojo...?


It has been many weeks after the death of DIO, the surviving crew of the stardust crusaders have gone their separate ways with Joseph dissappearing for some unknown reason.

Jotaro on the other hand, he has been living with his mother and got used to a normal life where he barely used his stand.

The adventure that he endured, with his friends Kakyoin, Avdol and Iggy not making it out alive, had really left a scar on his mind.

All of that because DIO wanted to be the most powerful being in the universe, Jotaro hated him, but now, it was all over.

He woke up one morning, he puts his black iconic clothes on and puts on his hat, it was going to be another normal day he thought.

Suddenly, his mother, Holly, came rushing to him with a phone in her hand and told him:

- Jotaro, it's for you. She said with a worried look on her face.

Jotaro looked surprised, it was the first time he heard his mother so worried, she was always cheerful, which he found very annoying.

He didn't reply to her, he grabbed the phone and said:

- Who is it?

He heard a man trying to catch his breath, he sounded like he finished a race a minute ago, he said to Jotaro:

- Mr. Kujo! I'm apart of the Speedwagon Foundation. We have terrible news! You have to investigate, please!

Jotaro seemed like he wasn't very interested, he asked the man:

- Spill it.

- Someone is trying to revive Dio!

Jotaro's face became pale, that name send a chill down his spine, he asked:

- Who?

- We believe that it's the company named JCJenson, their technology is far superior from us and we--

Jotaro hanged up the phone and was minutes away from breaking it, but then his mother asked:

- So what is it?

Jotaro didn't know what to say at that moment, he didn't even know if his mother was going to be okay with DIO back in the living.

Eventually he said while walking away from her:

- Nothing important woman...

She seemed fine and that was enough for him, now knew what he had to do next.

A company named JCJenson, they had built one of their facilities in his neighbourhood some months prior so he could reach them with ease. If they were indeed going to bring Dio back, he had to stop them.

He immediately got out of the house and started to make his way to that mysterious company.

After some minutes, he saw the facility right in front of him, he checked to see if the front door was open.

The door didn't move, so he did something that he hadn't done in a while.

- ORA!

Jotaro summoned Star Platinum for the first time in weeks sincw his adventure with the crusaders, the door was smashed as the alarm started to ring.

Guards started to surround Jotaro as he entered the facility, screaming at him:

- Hey you! You can't be here!

- Stop right there!

Jotaro then gave out a sigh and said:

- Good grief...

He closed his eyes and said:

- Star Platinum... THE WORLD!

And just like that, timed stopped and Jotaro carefully knocked out all the guards expect one.

When time resumed, there was just one guard standing up and Jotaro approached him.

- Where are you hiding him? Jotaro said angrily.

- Wha--How... How did you...

- I asked you something!

- What are you talking about?

- Dio, where is he?

The guard was shocked by that name and point to the right, Jotaro then started to run to the right and found himself inside the scientific labs.

There were many doors, but he could hear people screaming from one of them, so he broke the door with Star Platinum and walked in.

What he saw was hell itself. Dio had killed all the scientists in his room, there was blood everywhere.

Jotaro then looked up to a man standing, the man was holding a Scientist from his throat and crashed it.

Then Jotaro said angrily:

- Dio...

Dio let the body fall down, he then turned around to Jotaro with a smile on his face.

- Jotaro... What a pleasant surprise...!

Dio's stand appeared next to him as Jotaro got Star Platinum out.

Dio then said:

- You have no idea, how satisfying this was... The experiments they did on me... This was revenge at its finest! Coming back from the dead was a gift!

- I defeated you one time Dio, I can do it again.

- Ho...! Maybe you forgot that back then my guard was down! Now I know what you can and CAN'T do!

Jotaro became quite only to reply:

- Good grief... Stop your annoying little speech and come at me already.

Dio smiled once again and said:


Then Dio and Jotaro shouted at the same time:



Jotaro and Dio stoped their attack and looked to their left in shock, a door had just opened and a man in a suit came out of it.

- And who are you supposed to be..? Can't you see that I am trying to kill this bastard?

The man, while trying to catch his breath, said:

- I'm the boss... I'm the boss of this company... Please stop this, I can explain everything...!

Dio, with a smirk on his face, crosses his arms and says:

- And what makes you think that I will listen to somebody like you? A weakling?

- Don't you want to learn why you are alive?

Dio's smile disappears, he didn't want to admit it, but now he was interested.

- That's what I thought. Answered the man. Now, both of you, listen to me very carefully.

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