15. The Final Battle

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Jotaro, Dio, Uzi, N and Khan were all standing in front of V. She stared back at them and opened her wings, ready to attack.

Jotaro then said:

- Okay, we need to work together in this one... Are you ready everybody?

They all noded their heads as Jotaro looks at V and said:

- Let's end this...!

V charged at them while laughing maniacally, Dio and Jotaro both charged at her with their stands ready to attack. They both could take much larger hits unlike Uzi and Khan, N flew the both of them from the sides of the battle.

Jotaro and Dio finally collided with V, Jotaro used star platinum to nearly catch a blade coming for his head and Dio grabbed her leg.

Dio then raised his fist and punched V's face as Jotaro let go of her blade and punched her away with Star platinum.

As V was pushed back, N and Khan got behind her. N grabbed Khan by one hand and tried to give him some speed as Khan charged a hit with his hammer at V.

Eventually, V was hit by the hammer and flew into the other direction, before she could get up, Uzi aimed at her with her gun:

- Wh... WHAT?!

- Goodbye...! Said Uzi while she pressed the trigger.

The blast shot through V, Uzi closed her eyes as smoke came out of the place where she shot her.

When she opened them, she saw V coming right at her with a smile.

- What in the-- It had no effect on her?! Thought Uzi.

Uzi closed her eyes and prepared for the hit she was about to take, but then our of nowhere, Dio punched V away:

- MUDA!!! Dio screamed.

Dio turned around to face her and said:

- Expect anything from that thing, we have no idea how much it handle.

Uzi brushed Dio's save away from her mind as she saw V charge at them full force.

- I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU! V screamed.

Jotaro appeared right beside Dio, he had used the world to get there faster. They both looked at each other as their stand appeared, Dio then said:

- 3...2...1!!!

V reached them just when Dio said 3, he and Jotaro started to punch her with their stands.

Their war cries being mixed together as V was thrown punches upon punches in all of her body.

Then Jotaro and Dio threw one last punch together:

- ORA!


These two punches sent V flying into the air, she used her wings to balance herself and she looked down to her foes, she then begun to scream at them:


Khan then commented:

- Dear god she is acting like a lunatic!

Uzi aimed at her again, but Dio stopped her, he then said:

- You keep your shot ready, when the time is right, I will tell you when to shoot.

A Murderous Adventure (JJBA X MD) [COMPLETED] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن