6. Just Set And Fight

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Jotaro finally begins to talk:

- So, you two must be responsible for destroying that murder drone.

Uzi smiles and says while holding her gun:

- Yep! And we did it with style!

Jotaro seems unfazed by those words, the only thing bagging him was that he didn't expect that these two murder drones were destroyed by two robotic teenagers.

- So anyway. Says Uzi. Who are you two? You are some kind of androids or something? Despite looking at you from a distance, I don't know what you are.

- Umm... Uzi?

- What is it N?

- These two... Are humans!

Uzi's eyes transform into errors from the shock as she says:

- What? They went on the counter-attack already?

As she says that, N takes a closer analysis on Dio and says:

- Well... One of them is a human. I don't know about the pale one without the weird suit. Ooohh! Maybe he is a vampire!

- Don't be ridiculous! Vampires don't exist!

- How would you know Uzi? Yo--

- ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Dio shouts loudly.

Dio was clearly annoyed at them for completely ignoring both him and Jotaro.

N jumps on Uzi's hands as he gets scared from the shouting of Dio and says:


- Calm down N!!! Says Uzi as she drops her gun.

Jotaro quickly stops time and grabs the gun and holds it to his hands. Uzi then screams at him:


Dio then smiles and says:

- You both will be destroyed, right here... Right now!

Uzi gets frustrated at N for not going away from her as he is too scared to fight.

- N! Come on! Do something!

- I can't! Can't you see it? He is a vampire!

- We are going to die if you don't do anything!

- Grrr...! Says N.

N eventually gets away from Uzi and before Jotaro could smash the weapon with Star Platinum, N opens his wings and flies at him, taking the gun from him.

Jotaro is shocked by the amount of speed that came at him, he couldn't even stop time in order to punch him away.

While Dio watches with a shocked face, N shouts at Uzi.

- Here!!! He throws the gun at her and aims at Jotaro.


Uzi shoots at Jotaro and he seemed like he couldn't do anything:

- This speed..! Says Jotaro.

While the beam was closing in on him, Dio was watching like everything was happening in slow motion.

This was it! He could let Jotaro die there and kill them both of his own. But something on his head was bagging him, he needed to move... And he needed to do it NOW!

A Murderous Adventure (JJBA X MD) [COMPLETED] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن